Adam Lambert’s new “Another Lonely Night” music video is here! And this one is for all you Las Vegas working people with big dreams. A gal who works a wedding chapel looks on wistfully as couples tie the knot. A fireman stripper goes home with wads of cash, but alone to his puppy. A glittery showgirl doesn’t stop practicing her ballet moves in her spare time.
The American Idol 8 alum has his own hopes for the future. He washes his car before he gets in, fuzzy dice swaying off of the rearview mirror–love the retro touches–before he pulls up to a club where he presumably performs night after night for an adoring crowd. The video ends with Adam stretched out on his bed, lost in his own thoughts. The story is both cute and a little bittersweet.
“Another Lonely Night” is the next single off of Adam’s current album, The Original High.
ETA: People notes that the actress playing the wedding chapel worker is transgender Youtube star, Gigi Gorgeous.
Watch Adam’s new “Another Lonely Night” right here.