The X Factor 2 – Boot Camp Part 1

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IT’S ABOUT TO GET REAL Y’ALL X Factor Boot camp begins. Little behind the scenes vignettes with hopefuls leaving their families, setting off for the biggest week of their lives!

Simon has put the group up in a super-swanky hotel in Miami. He wants to give them a little taste of the high life! The better to tempt and distract them!

“We’re going to push them to their limits,” says Britney. The contestants will perform one song in front of everyone. EVERYBODY will be judging!

Half of the 120 contestants will go home by the end of the first day.

Diamond White – 13 – She sings “I Have Nothing” a big song for a little girl. It’s not very good! She’s so off key. Ugh. This is like really really bad karoke. Singing in front of her family on the holidays. A REALLY REALLY BAD school assembly. She was supposed to scare everyone else, but I don’t get it.

Oh. You can download Melanie Amaro’s single “Don’t Fail Me Now” from Pepsi for FREEEEEE

A series of singers perform including Austin Corini, David Correy, Dinah Jane Hansen and
Lyric Da Queen (Female rapper). The judges comment on each one. The camera constantly cuts to hopefuls looking bored, annoyed, scared. They are really laying the competition angle between the contestants on thick.

Jason Brock takes the stage to oversing. The judges love him.

Carly Rose Sonclare is next – “Runaway” – Simon thinks she may be too “old” for her age. Her preternatural maturity is very unsettling. Go out play or something kid!

Jessica Espinoza – “Believe” Demi says she’s one of the few people she remembered her first and last name. Not sure why this chick sang a big corny power ballad. She should have stuck to rock. The judges are disappointed.

Jennel Garcia – It’s the first time she’s been away from her parents. Demi thinks she has massive sex appeal.”Very spicy,” says Simon. She’s got a ton of charisma.

Vino Alan is next. He sings “Company.” He reminds me of a deeper voiced Chris Daughtry. He’s pretty good. The tattoos and the pockmarks, his age might work against him. Simon liked him. Britney not so much.

Next, a series of hopefuls who totally choke. Johnny Maxwell raps and forgets his lyrics. “He lost it,” says Simon.

Jordyn Foley, the annoying “Annie” girl is so off pitch it’s painful. Horrible. Somebody named Manny Acosta is making dogs everywhere howl. WTF. Trevor Moran, the kid who dehydrated in San Francisco sings “Starships” and it’s tragic. Nick Perelli takes a stab at “Feeling Good” and the Sinatra wannabe falls apart. Young Jake Garza attempts Total Eclipse of the Heart” and he totally melts down on stage. He’s a kid. TOO YOUNG. He’s crying. “I want my mom,” he cries. Oh lord.

L3vel, Citizen, Jetset…it’s the parade of the boy bands! Emblem3 are next. “Iris” is an interesting choice. Demi LIKES.

Tara Simon – Originality has got me here, and will keep me here! Oy. She’s the annoying vocal coach. She tackles “Somebody to Love” which is ballsy. She totally oversings. Really, chick. LESS IS MORE IT REALLY IS. So frigging dramatic. OOPS WARDROBE MALFUNCTION.

Willie Jones – “She Thinks My Tractor is Sexy” – He’s the African American dude who thinks he’s Scotty McCreery. Still singing country! I thought maybe that was a one time thing, but I guess not. Simon loves him. Britney not so much. She sees through the gimmick. His singing voice is mediocre.

Paige Thomas – “I Will Always Love You” – God love these young singers who take on big, iconic songs. She’s no Whitney. But that does not mean she isn’t a good singer.

CeCe Frey – She’s also signing “I Will Always Love You” Oy. She’s the chick with the leopard paint on her face. OK. She isn’t terrible. Kinda shouty on the big notes, but she has more control of the song that Paige did. She knows her own voice. She’s the kind of chick Simon loves. She’s hot and sassy and she can sing.

Simon says one of them NAILED “I Will Always Love You”. I bet it was Cee Cee.

The solo round is over. Now it’s time to cut.

Ah ha ha ha. Justin Guarini pimping for Old Navy!

The judges split the hopefuls up into 3 groups on stage.

Jessica Espinoza, Rizzloe Jones, Jordyn Foley, Trevor Moran and more are cut in Group 2.

The third group is comparatively small, and they go through. All of the hopefuls who advanced are let on stage to celebrate.

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!