The Voice 9 Results – The Top 12 Revealed
What to say about tonight’s The Voice Top 12 reveal? That just because a singer is the only contestant to enter the iTunes T0p 10 and receive the 10x multiplier, doesn’t mean they’ve earned the most votes overall–or even the second most votes!
The Voice 9 Playoffs Results – Top 12 Revealed!
Team Blake Shelton’s Emily Ann Roberts, who charted #6 on the iTunes chart, had to be saved by her coach. That’s probably not what even Blake was expecting to happen before his team performed Tuesday night. Zach Seabaugh and his gyrating hips were the spoiler. If he hadn’t been voted in by America, I suspect Blake would have saved Ivonne Acero just to add some musical diversity to his team. Now, he’s got THREE country singers.
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Plus Team Adam Levine’s country gal, Shelby Brown, was voted in by America. That’s four country singers in the Top 12. I’m thinking if Amy Vachal had snagged America’s vote, Adam would have saved one of his rocker dudes–Blaine Mitchell, probably. Adam seemed to really enjoy working with him.
As it stands now, with Blaine, Keith and Team Gwen Stefani’s Ellie Lawrence eliminated, there is only half a rocker in the finals. Evan McKeel came into the competition singing alternative rock, but his coach, Pharrell Williams, seems to prefer his soulful side. But with the superior blue eyed soul singer, Jeffery Austin as competition, Pharrell might want to help Evan hone his rocker chops.
I was somewhat surprised that Gwen chose to save Korin Bukowski over Ellie Lawrence. Gwen seemed to really bond with Ellie during the Playoffs. And Ellie sang rings around Korin. She must be disappointed that she’s leaving, despite giving her all. But then, Gwen saved her once. Why save her again? The only way the “Coach Comeback” contestants were going to advance, was to perform so strongly, America voted them in. Since that didn’t happen, there would be no double saves.
Happy that Evan McKeel, Madi Davis, Mark Hood and Jeffery Austin will compete in the finals. They are my favorites at the moment. I added a “most robbed” poll, and for me the singers I’m sad to see go are: Riley Biederer, Darius Scott, Viktor Kiraly, and Ellie Lawrence. But that eliminated list is full of talented singers. Team Pharrell, in particular, was just chock full of win.
My predictions going forward will take into account tonight’s Emily Ann Roberts result. To be honest, I rarely use iTunes to vote. Last night, I used only the app. Why? BECAUSE IT’S FREE. It cost me NOTHING. That’s quite possibly the answer to the Emily Ann Roberts riddle. Who knows? Maybe that multiplier helped her land in 3rd place on Blake’s team. We’ll never know.
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