The Voice 9 Top 10 Power Rankings
Adam Levine, on the other hand, is in the enviable position of coaching two contestants who are pretty much guaranteed, at this point, to make the final. Jordan Smith and Amy Vachal could be the winner and runner up. Adam is at a crossroads. He can back the singer, Amy, who has the best chance to become that elusive The Voice star, or he could back the contestant who has a beautiful voice, and compelling backstory, but no chance in hell of becoming a pop star. That would be Jordan Smith. Amy has a tough road ahead of her. In order for a female Brooklyn hipster to move past a pious southern white boy, the strong arm of pimping is going to have to be busted out. I suggest Adam ring Idol mentor, Scott Borchetta for some pointers, as he managed to break the Idol southern curse with some savvy, and relentless maneuvering.
If The Voice doesn’t stop pushing Jordan as the second coming of all things good and holy, he’s going to win. And if that happens, there’s no bitching allowed over the inevitable consequence of handing Republic Records an unmarketable winner. But then, while the coaches obviously want their charges to succeed big, I’d wager the higher ups are happy to give each winner their contract, a pat on the bum and a “Good luck. Have a nice life” before turning their attention to producing the most entertaining reality show possible.
Here are the Top 10 finalists, ranked according to strength. See you later for song spoilers, and at 8 pm for our Live Blog. The Voice airs on NBC.
10. Korin Bukowski – Team Gwen – Korin has already made two trips to the bottom. And despite performing a pitch-impaired rendition of Maroon 5’s “She Will Be Loved,” America chose to save her anyway. When she ends up in the bottom this week, maybe she’ll pander to Blake Shelton’s fans and choose one of his songs.
9. Braiden Sunshine – Team Gwen – Braiden Sunshine’s time to hit the bottom 2 is coming. He’s got just enough of a fan base to escape hitting the bottom. Like most young singers whose pinchable cheeks bring on the votes, cuteness helps, but it’s not a particularly deep well. Without a great vocal, Braiden could finally hit bottom two. But could he beat Korin in a sing off? I think so.
8. Shelby Brown – Team Adam – The Voice watchers were mostly convinced Shelby would hit the bottom two after a shaky performance of “You and I” last week. The girl has people! If she can get back on track this week, she’ll be safe safe safe.
7. Barrett Baber – Team Blake – Barrett began The Voice as a contender, but he’s been losing steam, particularly over the course of the live shows. Last week’s “Delta Dawn” was such a WTF choice. But I suspect Blake isn’t that worried about Barrett’s prospects. He’s more invested in the younguns on his team, Emily Ann Roberts and Zach Seabaugh. Time to break out the protestant hymn!
6. Zach Seabaugh – Team Blake – I’ve called Braiden “underbaked” but Zach is a goopy mess. It’s become clear over the course of the live shows that Zach is not a good live singer. The hip thrusts are just meant to distract. And its working. Braiden may have the grandmas, but Zach has the grandmas AND the teens AND the moms. He’ll make it to the Top 9 blood bath…and possibly beyond.
5. Madi Davis – Team Pharrell – Madi has charted pretty well on iTunes, although her performances have received mixed reviews from fans. At this point, she needs to pick some crowd-pleasing songs that are in her wheelhouse, in order to secure a spot in the Top 4. I hope she makes it, she’s one of Season 9’s unique voices.
4. Emily Ann Roberts – Team Blake – If Blake can stay the course with Emily–keep it simple, old school and bluegrassy, she could make it to the finals. Stick a guitar in her hand, give her some vintage Dolly, and she’ll be good to go.
3. Jeffery Austin – Team Gwen – Jeffery arguably had the performance of the night last week, but the unfamiliarity of the Robyn song he covered was at least partially to blame for keeping him out of the iTunes Top 10. It’s time to pick a song everybody loves, and knock it clean out of the park. A final four without Jeffery would be criminal.
2. Amy Vachal – Team Adam – Amy’s cover of Taylor Swift’s “Blank Space” even outpaced the unstoppable Jordan last week. We do know, however, that iTunes sales don’t tell the entire story. Remember when we were all so sure that Matt McAndrew would win season 7? And then the southern country boy who sang religious songs took the crown instead? Amy would be a great winner in terms of her viability as a pop artist. I’m not willing to move her into the top spot yet.
1. Jordan Smith – Team Adam – Jordan fell back a bit this week. But he still landed in the Top 10. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s still garnering the most votes. He and Amy are the only contestants I feel confident will make the Final 4. Adam doesn’t have to change a thing as far as keeping the Jordan train going. But as I said above, I wish he’d put the brakes on and choose Amy.
UPDATE: Check out these The Voice “Behind the Voice” Videos:
Behind The Voice Top 10: Zach and Shelby (Digital Exclusive)
Zach and Shelby give you the inside scoop on how people back home are responding to their success on The Voice. Plus, who will win the epic staring contest?
Behind The Voice Top 10: Emily Ann and Korin (Digital Exclusive)
Emily Ann and Korin discuss their siblings. Plus, they go back-and-forth playing the hilarious A to Z Compliment game.
Behind The Voice Top 10: Jordan and Braiden (Digital Exclusive)
Braiden and Jordan bond over their high voices. Plus, they immitate each other’s every move playing the mirror game.
Behind The Voice Top 10: Amy and Jeffery (Digital Exclusive)
Amy and Jeffery discuss what they love (and hate) about living in New York! Plus, who will win the Big Apple Battle?
Behind The Voice Top 10: Barrett and Madi (Digital Exclusive)
Barrett and Madi discuss songwriting. Plus, they make up a song title to describe each other in the new hit game Penned to Perfection!