We’re live blogging the The Voice 5 Top 3 Final right here! Christina Grimmie, Jake Worthington and Josh Kaufman perform for your votes.
It is the final night of competition tonight! Tomorrow is the celebration that is the grand finale. However, before we get to that, we have one final jam packed night of competition. Tonight, Jake Worthington, Christina Grimmie and Josh Kaufman will take the stage, mic in hand, to try and win YOU over for your votes. Join me at 8 to see how it all goes down!
And here we go!
After a quick intro from Carson, we get a montage of the top 3’s journey! All their performance’s have now lead to this, Carson declares. 3 remain, 1 will win. The season finale starts right now!
First up…
Christina Grimmie singing Wrecking Ball, by Miley Cyrus– Christina dedicates this performance to her fans. Wait, is she doing the entire song? That is a welcome surprise. Anyway, she is singing her tail off! Her high notes are really spot on. It got a little screechy, but it was a good overall performance. She started off on some weird high platform, but by the time she got to the bridge she was doing a pretty remarkable job. Fireworks are going off behind her! A solid performance to start off the night from Ms. Grimmie. Her coach Adam says he is really proud of her and thought she did it better tonight. Adam also says he loves to see her transformation all the way from the blinds. – 1-855-VOICE-01/1-855-2301 SMS Text 1 to 8642 – FACEBOOK – Download from iTunes
Josh Kaufman singing Every Breath You Take, by The Police with his coach Usher!– Usher says he wants to do this song because he will always be watching Josh…. um…. okay then. Their voices sound really good in rehearsals! Especially Usher! I really like this song, but this version just is middle of the road to me. It just isn’t going anywhere really. They both sound fine on their lines, but the song just didn’t take off. I wish they would have covered something more epic that lets their voices soar and I just don’t think this song did them justice. – Download from iTunes
Jake Worthington singing Don’t Close Your Eyes, by Keith Whitley– He is excited to make his journey go full circle with his audition song. A nice tender performance from Jake! It is super sleepy, but he hits most of his notes. I still can name 5 people who should have been in the finale over him, but he is destined for third place, so I’ll just end on that. Shakira wants to squeeze him. Blake says he has a ton of respect for him and loved how he throws back to older country artists. – 1-855-VOICE-02/1-855-2302 SMS Text 2 to 8642 – FACEBOOK – Download from iTunes
Shakira and Blake performing their new song, Medicine.– I’m having trouble hearing them at the beginning. This is a weird combination, but it weirdly works. Shakira is killing her part! I actually am really digging this song! The chorus is a little weak, but the bridge and verses are my favorite! A good performance here.
Josh Kaufman singing Signed Sealed Delivered, by Stevie Wonder– Josh thanks his fans for picking this song because it started his journey with Usher. This could have been Stay With Me or It Will Rain though… Regardless, Josh nails it! Straight up nails it! He hits a really impressive high note towards the ending! This was an EPIC performance! I’m not sure how this song will sell, its a little outdated, but Set Fire To The Rain will be epic later on in the show and should sell really well. Josh actually hit a Delvin note from the battle round! Blake loved his ad libs. Usher thinks he just is the voice. – 1-855-VOICE-03/1-855-2303 SMS Text 3 to 8642 – FACEBOOK – Download from iTunes
Christina Grimmie singing Somebody That I Used To Know, by Gotye with her coach Adam– Adam is super happy she is still here. This song sounds perfect for the 2 of them in rehearsals. Adam is most proud of her being her and being fierce. I’m loving this! It fits both of them so well! Christina is great on her tender moments and Adam handles the big notes just as well! This was a moment actually. These duets have been really great tonight! – Download from iTunes
Jake Worthington singing Right Here Waiting, by Richard Marx– Carson interviews Jake about his journey and they reflect on his best performances. This performance is also a little sleepy, but is much better then his first one. I think Blake took notes and purposely gave him a song similar to Heaven. He is hitting a few pitch issues but this was a nice tender moment. Usher loved how he could identify with the song’s emotion. Blake thinks he is the most sincere singer to ever be on the voice. – Download from iTunes
Adam and Usher team up to perform a duet called How Does It Feel. I’m not a fan of this song. I don’t know, they both are singing really well and I’m sure people are loving it, this song just isn’t my forte. The falsettos though at the end were epic!
Jake Worthington singing A Country Boy Can Survive, by Hank Williams with his coach Blake. Wow, every performance by Jake is so sleepy. This is no exception. Blake adds his voice and it gets a little better, but this performance is riddled with pitchy notes. Jake is also having some issues with his annunciation and is swallowing some of his words. This was DEFINITELY the weakest duet of the night. – Download from iTunes
Christina Grimmie singing I Can’t Help Falling In Love, by Elvis. After a quick catch up with Carson, Christina is up. WOW, she is starting acapella and slaying the opening verse. Once the music kicks up, it loses the tenderness of the connection she had when there was no music, but this was still a really amazing performance! The ending was spot on and I know she meant every word she just sang! Best of the night so far! Shakira thought it was flawless. Adam says he will do everything he can to make sure she wins. – Download from iTunes
Josh Kaufman singing, Set Fire to The Rain, by Adele– After a quick recap of Josh’s journey, Josh is up! He thinks he can do a lot with this song. From the first note, he had me. This was a perfect song choice for Josh. He is singing his face off! I feel every emotion he is and he is living in the moment! The last part had Usher on his feet as he nailed those high notes. I think Josh might just have won. Usher thinks he is the representation of the voice. – Download from iTunes
Thats all guys! Thanks so much for joining me! You can always follow me on twitter @adamhsamuel if you think I’m cool. Join me here tomorrow at 9 to see who will be crowned the winner.
Christina Grimmie’s Journey
Jake Worthington’s Journey
Josh Kaufman’s Journey on The Voice