The Voice 3 – The Premiere Live Blog and Videos!

Woo hoo. The Voice 3 premieres tonight with it’s first installment of Blind Auditions. There will be more on Tuesday and Wednesday on NBC. Are you excited?

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Welp. I’d say there were no big surprises in tonight’s premiere. And as for the coaches? It was business as usual. The best singers tonight were the old school country singer, Gracia Harrison and the blue-eyed soul crooner, Bryan Keith.  I want to hear a song from De-Borah that does not make me run screaming from the room (NO HEY SOUL SISTER).  Trevin Hunte may have some vocal control issues that will keep me from digging his voice, but there’s no doubt the boy has a set of pipes.

Now, on to day two.

Weren’t we just here a few months ago? I think we were…

Introduction of the coaches. THEY ARE GIANT STARS! The coaches sing each other’s praises. The big change: The coaches will be able to snatch each other’s team members during the Battle Rounds. And, there will be a sudden death round to cut the teams from 10 to 5 members.

Adam Levine, Cee Lo Green, Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton take the stage to sing The Rolling Stone’s “Start Me Up”. Adam Levine plays guitar! Christina is wearing a silver spaceship corset. She looks kind of scary.

Let the blind auditions begin!

Terry McDermott – 35 – Baba O’Riley by The Who – Scottish singer – He moved to the US in 2003. Eventually he married an American and had a child. He’s rocking a 80/90s era mullet. Nineties Brit Pop went THATAWAY! He’s got a decent rock voice, but nothing out of the ordinary. Nobody is turning around. Sadz. On the “THEY’RE ALL WASTED” line, Blake, Cee Lo and Adam all turn around. Adam calls his voice “clean and pristine.” Christina thinks he’s got a fantastic radio voice. You’re the real deal, says Cee Lo. The coaches banter, trying to convince Terry to join them. But ultimately he chooses Team Blake.

De-Borah –  “Hey Soul Sister” by Train – Oh. Ok De-Borah is a she. She’s got an androgyny thing going on–short cropped hair, big glasses, colorful, but boxy pants and sweater, but with strings of delicate gold chains.  She blends the boy-girl dynamic in an interesting way. After admitting her sexuality is complicated, she reveals that she’s gay. Although her parents are pastors, they have NO problem with her doing her thing. She’s a contralto, to the point that the coaches may be a little confused when they turn around. Which they have not yet. She’s not bad. She’s got some soul. But WHY IS SHE SINGING THIS TERRIBLE SONG.  Finally, Cee Lo, Blake and Christina turn around. Cee Lo loves her swagger. Chistina likes her outfit. De-Borah, who is inspired by her music, ultimately goes with Team Christina. 

Holy shit. Cee Lo has an effing PARROT on his shoulder. I guess he sent Purrfect back to Central Casting.

Gracia Harrison – 18 – “Cowboy Sweetheart” – She’s a country singer who yodels. Her boyfriend came along to the audition. She’s old school! she’s got that country hitch and an expert yodel. Adam turned around first, entranced, Cee Lo and Blake are next. Adam is totally smitten. Adam says she’s the BEST COUNTRY SINGER EVER. It makes no sense to be on my team, which is why you should pick me! He says. Cee Lo also believes she’s the best country performer to ever be on the show.  Blake says, “You know the right thing to do…as a fellow country artist…we need to bring what you do back to country music.” Ultimately, she chooses Team Blake

Garrett Gardner – 16 – “Have You Ever Seen the Rain” – His dad is a jazz musician who has played with Tom Jones and Peter Frampton. He died of cancer two years ago. BACKSTORY.  When his dad passed, he realized music is what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Wow. He’s got an INCREDIBLY raspy baritone. I was NOT expecting that voice to come out of that baby face!  He’s got an interesting tone. Very nice phrasing. Nobody turned around. Sadz. Blake thinks he’s got a unique tone, but a lack of control. Christina regrets not turning around. I think he was better than that first rock guy, Terry, whom Blake chose. Ah. After talking about his dad, he begins to cry. I think they all feel bad now. Hm. I’m thinking they didn’t turn around because they assumed he was some older has been.

Devyn Delora –   “Ain’t No Other Man” She was an oddball as a kid growing up in Texas. She was eventually homeschooled by her mom. Her voice helped her come out of her shy shell.  Oh noes. She’s singing Christina, but she’s acquitting herself nicely. She’s got a big voice. Melisma everywhere.  Christina pushes her button after Devyn hits a big note. Blake and Adam follow. Christina knows how hard the song is to sing. She was impressed. Adam notes her “ballsy” song choice. Blake calls her a superstar. Oh. Devyn wants to know who will keep her around “long term.”  Adam says he signed Tony Lucca to his record label. Ultimately Devyn chooses Team Christina

Bryan Keith – 22 – “It Will Rain” – His dad sings for a Latin Jazz group. He’s won Grammys and has been produced by Paul Simon. Oh. But he does not want to ride on his dad’s coattails. Blake turns around immediately. Then Christina. Cee Lo follows. Finally, Adam. Bryan has a sweet, soulful voice, with just a hint of rasp and a passionate delivery. So, now he has to choose. “You are very special,” says Adam. His dad begins to cry when Bryan admits to Cee Lo that he inspired his singing. “You have a signature voice,” says Christina. “I’m dying to have you on my team,” says Adam. He chooses Team Adam.

Daniel Rosa – “Somebody That I Used To Know” – He’s back. Last season nobody turned around for him. Last time, the coaches said he needed to work on pitch. Even though he wasn’t chosen, the experience boosted his confidence. He sings a reworked, slightly countrified version of the Goyte hit. He’s still, just OK. though. Still some pitch and control issues, although he does have an interesting tone. Blake and Cee Lo turn around! When Adam recognizes him, he runs onstage to give him a big hug. Daniel is crying. Cee Lo LOVED his cover. Adam admires that he didn’t give up. Daniel chooses Team Cee Lo

Anita Antoinette – “No Woman, No Cry” – Lives in Boston, but is originally from Jamaica. She just graduated from Berklee College of Music. Her mom left Jamaica when Anita was 2 yeasr old to make enough money in America to eventually reunite the family. Not a surprise that she loves Bob Marley. Oh. Adam says, “You gotta bring this song.” Nobody turned around. For a a Berklee grad, she was pretty unremarkable. Adam says she’s a great singer, but the spirit wasn’t being delivered. She wants to sing the song a ‘capella to prove she can sing with feeling. The audience begins to clap along. She’s way more comfortable singing a stripped down version. Of course, the rules prevent the coaches from changing their minds. They tell her to come back next year.

Joe Kirkland -24 – “Gives You Hell” – A Texas native, he was in a band. Their lead singer bailed. He tried to step up, but the label dropped them. Blake and Adam turn around immediately. He’s got that teeny-bopper vibe. Cute face and boyband hair. He looks like David Cassidy, circa 1969. Seriously. He’s not a great singer, but he’s cute enough, he could probably front a band like Neon Trees or Hot Chelle Rae. That bubblegum rock is kind of hot now. Adam likes his aggressive, controlled tone. Adam REALLY wants him on his team. Blake thinks he has star quality. Blake pulls the vest card. Ha. Joe chooses Team Adam

Jessica Sharpe – 23 – “Son of a Preacher Man” – She’s a hairdresser who has never been out of Greensboro North Carolina. She’s got a nice throaty alto, but she never rises above average. She’s also a little pitchy.  It’s back to North Carolina for her. Nobody turned around. Christina and Adam say they were looking for a magical moment that didn’t come. Blake asks her to come back next season. “You and me will  make history together.” Really Blake? You’re going to be back in the spring? You were the one complaining about have to work twice a year. Poor Jessica is balling her eyes out.

Now a montage of singers who didn’t move the coaches to turn around.

Trevin Hunte – 18 – “Listen” – His parents are from Ghana. His dad is a garbage man in Queens, NY. His first radio was from a dumpster dive.  He couldn’t get into a performing arts school because his teacher told him it would be a waste of time. Trevin has one of those BIG, uncontrolled gospel voices that you either love or hate. Christina turns around immediately. Blake is next. Cee Lo comes after.. Blake screams at Adam to turn around. He doesn’t. Blake says he pushed is button out of sheer respect for someone who has that much talent. Cee Lo thinks he can win the whole thing. Trevin admits he lacks confidence. He wants a coach who can help him get to the next level. He chooses Team Cee Lo

About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!