Tonight, The Voice battle rounds continue. Early ratings suggest the battle rounds won the demo last night, but the first battle round episode did well last season too… and then ratings dropped. Do you think the “steal” will keep ratings up this season? Or do you think ratings will dip as in the past? What do you think of this tweak of the show?
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As usual, we have a recap of last night’s show.
Cee-lo pairs rodeo boy Cody Belewe vs. hip hop dancer Domo. Domo was excited to see Rob Thomas. They are doing “Telephone” by Lady Gaga. Cee-lo is looking for the total package. Cody think the song is in Domo’s wheelhouse, but Cody won’t let her whip that ponytail in his face. Domo claims she sings like Mariah Carey. Cody thinks he’s at a disadvantage because Domo is female. Rob thinks all Cody has to do is surprise people. Domo has some secret moves. Cee-lo wants an interwoven arrangement. They take the stage and fist pump. They look they’re having fun up there. Blake says neither one has a stage presence problem. He thinks they are both attractive. Christina thinks it was in Domo’s wheelhouse, but Cody gave a good fight. She picks Domo. Cee-lo says nobody stood out, so he’s going for his personal preference. He chooses Cody! I’m glad because he amuses me. Nobody steals Domo.
Xtina pairs Aquile vs Nathalie Hernandez. Aquile is honored to be in Billy Joe’s presence. Xtina’s song choice is James Morrison’s “You Give Me.” Billie Joe thinks Aquile sounds better than James Morrison. Xtina asks Nathalie to try to interpret the song. Billie Joe is reminded of the sweetness Norah Jones. Xtina wants them to mesh well and she’s interested to see who brings what to the table. Christina thinks Nathalie has improved and that Aquile needs to step up to the plate after he misses a cue. I think Aquile is winning this battle. Xtina is smiling as if she’s pleased. I think Nathalie had a couple pitch issues. Let’s see what the coaches think. Cee-lo loved it. He finds Nathalie sweet. He thought Aquile commanded the stage. Adam thinks Aquile is ready. Nathalie will be soon. Adam was a zit when he was 15. Blake said Aquile was awesome, and Nathalie is great for her age. Xtina picks Aquile. Nobody steals Nathalie.
You can download the full versions on iTunes. MJ provide a link.
We didn’t see much of the next 2. Xtina puts Celica up against Lisa. They sing “My Life Would Suck Without You”. Celica wins.
Blake has Charley Rey vs. Rudy. They sing “Bad Day”. Rudy Wins.
Adam pits Melanie Martinez vs Caitlin Michele. Melanie is excited to meet Mary J. Blige. He chooses “Lights” for them. He wants it to be cool, not just pop. Mary J looks great in her glasses. Mary J thinks Melanie has a lot of depth. Caitlin is scared. Adam is frustrated in the next rehearsal. He wants them to be artists NOW. He wants them to give it 200%. Melanie is upset that she didn’t bring her A-game. Adam closes his eyes as they sing. Melanie’s bow is distracting. I prefer her though. Blake has a hard time deciding betwen “indie” artists. He thinks they are both unique. He doesn’t know who did better. Xtina thought it was the prettiest performance of the day. She seconds Blake. Cee-lo thought they were equal as well. He loves Melanie, though. Adam thinks they aren’t showing their hands. He’s pleased. He’s over the moon. Adam chooses Melanie because she moved him the most from the beginning. Cee-lo and Blake compete to steal Caitlin. Blake says he likes unique voices. Cee-lo says his first name is unique. Blake turned for her in the past. Cee-lo says, “Come to me my dark princess”. She chooses him. Blake wonders if he was a jackass to Caitlin in a past life.
That’s a wrap! What did you think?