The Voice 17 Recap: The Battles Part 2 Live Blog (VIDEO)

THE VOICE -- "Battle Rounds" Season 17 -- Pictured: (l-r) Destiny Rayne, Carson Daly, Katie Kadan -- (Photo by: Justin Lubin/NBC)
THE VOICE —  Pictured: (l-r) Destiny Rayne, Carson Daly, Katie Kadan — (Photo by: Justin Lubin/NBC)

The Voice season 17 Battles continue with coaches Blake Shelton, Kelly ClarksonJohn Legend and Gwen Stefani, and featuring special celebrity mentors who will help the teams prepare for competitive duets.

Former Fifth Harmony member and X Factor USA alum Normani will help Team Kelly. Country and pop singer Darius Rucker lends a hand to Team Blake. R&B singer and former The Voice coach Usher assists Team Legend. And Black Eyed Peas member, producer and The Voice UK coach joins Team Gwen. 

Carson Daly hosts.

The Voice 17 Spoilers: First Week Battle Pairings! Team Legend Revealed!
The Voice Season 17 Contestant List Spoilers: Blinds, Battles, Knockouts
The Voice Season 17 TV Schedule: Blinds, Battles, Knockouts, Lives

New this season: Each coach gets One Steal and One Save (instead of the typical two steals).

Alex Guthrie vs Injoy Fountain – Team Kelly – Home by Marc Broussard – Kelly felt that two soulful singers would be a perfect match. Injoy toured with Rent. She has a young daughter. Not said: She auditioned for the American Idol judges last year. Alex plays in a blues band. The song choice seems tailor made for him. He’s been playing the song for years,  Injoy has never heard the song before. In rehearsal, though, she sounds pretty good. And she helps Alex navigate the stage without a guitar. Kelly and Normani advise Marc to make more eye contact with the audience. Injoy needs to trust herself and watch her pitch, they say. Advice for both: Bring attitude! Create a great moment. Kelly will pick the singer who brings the boldest moment. Ha. In the performance, Alex has no idea what to do with his hands. Injoy is bringing a growly performance. I think she’s dominating. But Alex is bringing it as well. Blake feels Alex could have been more aggressive. He calls Injoy infectious. John agrees, He didn’t get a sense of Alex’s personality. He loved Injoy. Gwen disagrees, she felt Alex took charge of the stage. The pairing was ultimately a mismatch. Injoy’s big voice was going to dominate by default. Kelly Picks Alex. Really? Injoy is Eliminated Obviously Injoy was cannon fodder from the get-go. The song pick made that obvious. Injoy still killed it, but Kelly’s mind was already made up, methinks.  

Myracle Holloway vs Elise Azkoul – Team Gwen – Breathing by Ariana Grande – Myracle has been around the music business for years. In her Blind Audition she shared about drug addiction and childhood abuse. Elise is a vocal coach and covered Lady Gaga in her Blind–a one chair turn. Will is really impressed with Elise. Gwen turns a few of the harmony parts into solos. Gwen and Will bring up Myracle’s background. She tears up about her “childhood stuff.” This is going to be a running theme, obviously. Will and Myracle are about the same age and grew up in the same LA neighborhood. He wonders why he made it in the business and she didn’t. There wasn’t much vocal mentoring in that clip! Before the performance, Gwen does a style segment with the singers. (Never forget Gwen mentoring No Doubt Week on American Idol 6 and her curiously cow-like clothing choices for the girls). Elise will lose this battle. She’s obvious fodder. But I like her dusky tone a lot. Her runs are creative. Myracle brings experience and pro instincts to this battle. Kelly was impressed with Elise’s control. But she wants a record from Myracle. Blake thought both had great moments. He felt Myracle’s pain–he’d go with her. John also liked both. He wants more vocal risks from Myracle. Gwen Picks Myracle. Elise is Eliminated.

Two Battles were montaged:

Matt New vs Max Boyle – Team Legend – Let Me Love You – John Picks Max, Matt is Eliminated

Cali Wilson vs Elliemae – Team Blake – Miss Me More – Blake Picks Cali, Elliemae is Eliminated

Destiny Rayne vs Katie Kadan – Team Legend – Tiny Dancer by Elton John – Welp. Teasers have already spoiled a steal, so… Katie admits  a crush on Usher as a teen. “I came to coach winners but I’m happy I’m working with legends,” Usher quips. Blake blocked Kelly during Katie’s blind. Destiny works two jobs in Nashville and is newly engaged. John is surprised by her ability to belt. Usher is also impressed by her willingness to take her voice to the limit. But Katie’s huge voice is effortless, he acknowledges. This is kind of a weird song choice for both singers. It’s probably why each struggles in rehearsal-Katie in particular. Regardless, Usher is expecting a moment. And during the stage rehearsal, John happily pumps his fist. This is another odd match up. Destiny sings pop, while Katie belts blues. Both are trying their best to come together on stage. But as duet partners, they never quite gel. Katie’s voice is too bellowy for my taste. Destiny reaches for notes that are just a bit beyond her. Both will probably do better with songs that suit them. Gwen felt Destiny held her own against the big voiced Katie. Kelly felt both singers made room for each other. Blake also compliments Destiny for rising to the occasion. John Picks Katie. Blake steals Destiny. At the last minute, so of course, right on cue and most annoyingly, Gwen Steals Destiny too. “This is going to be so fun!” says Kelly. No. No it’s not. Blah blah blah blah blah blah, Destiny Picks Gwen. Hm. I would have gone with Blake. His track record is so much better. 

Advancing to the Knockouts

Alex Guthrie – Team Kelly
Myracle Holloway – Team Legend
Max Boyle – Team Legend
Cali Wilson – Team Blake
Katie Kadan – Team Legend
Destiny Rayne – Team Gwen (Stolen from Team Legend)


Injoy Fountain – Team Kelly
Elise Azkoul – Team Gwen
Matt New – Team Legend
Elliemae – Team Blake


About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!