The Voice 11 Live Blog and Recap Battle Rounds 2 VIDEOS
We’re LIVE BLOGGING The Voice 11 Battle Rounds 2. If you’re wondering who is singing what, Click for The Voice Song Spoilers.
Host Carson Daly is back to keep things moving. Celebrity advisers join the coaches including Sammy Hagar with Adam Levine, Bette Midler with Blake Shelton, Joan Jett with Miley Cyrus and Charlie Puth with Alicia Keys.
Lane Mack vs Sophia Urista – Team Miley Cyrus – Money by Pink Floyd – Download from iTunes
Lane is a blues singer, while Sophie hosts burlesque shows and appears to have lots of Hollywood friends. It’s the first time The Voice has cleared a Pink Floyd song, says Miley. Joan is looking for more dynamics from the singers “Don’t give away too much of your gifts early.” Miley says “work on your harmonies.” At the final rehearsal, Joan was impressed with their performance skills. Miley encourages Sophia’s confidence. She calls Lane “Fearless.” Oh. We get a glimpse of Miley working with the singers during dress rehearsal. We have not seen dress rehearsal footage before, I’m pretty sure.
They are both really good. Bold singers, working the stage, impressive adlibs. It’s going to hurt to lose either one. Will there be a steal here? “I don’t know if you’re going to sing or rob a bank,” says Adam about Lane. Adam thinks Sophia could be a runaway smash on the show. Blake calls Lane gritty. Sophia is prettier, but he’d go with Lane. Alicia would choose Sophia, a “killer” performer. Sophia Wins the Battle because she’s who Miley would like to guide. Lane is eliminated. BOO. Miley cries.
Courtney Harrell vs. Ethan Tucker – Team Blake – Gravity by John Mayer –Download from iTunes
Courtney is the songwriter who became pregnant at 17. Ethan takes care of his grandmother. Blake paired them together due to their “pop influences.” Bette thinks the key is too low for Courtney. Raising it definitely helps. Blake gives Ethan advice on following the melody. At the final rehearsal, Bette was not impressed with their chemistry. She wants to hear the song again–while they’re holding hands. It helped them connect.
Both singers are impressive, but there is something about Ethan’s gravelly, warm tone that draws me in. He seems more connected to what he’s singing. Courtney is a run machine but I’m not feeling her. She’s having a few pitch problems too. Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if the loser is stolen. So far tonight, the battles have been surprisingly awesome. Alicia likes Ethan’s “undoness” and generosity. It allowed Courtney to soar. Miley would have liked to hear more parts from Ethan. Miley loves Courtney’s determination, but she would pick Ethan. Adam says they both did a good job “locked in” together. Ooo. Results after the break. Courtney Wins the Battle Ethan Tucker is Eliminated. BOOOOOO. So far, I’m not on board with these decisions.
Ponciano Seoane vs. Elia Esparza – Team Adam – Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran – Download from iTunes – Ponciano Wins the Battle
Josette Diaz vs Charity Bowden – Team Miley – She’s Got You by Patsy Cline –Download from iTunes – Josette Wins the Battle. Charity we hardly knew ye (double montage!)
Khaliya Kimberlie vs Maye Thomas – Team Miley – For What It’s Worth by Stephen Stills – Download from iTunes – Maye Wins the Battle
Dave Moisan vs Michael Sanchez – Team Alicia – Valerie by Amy Winehouse –Download from iTunes
Charlie compares Dave to John Mayer and Michael to Randy Newman. Alicia decided to slow the arrangement down in order to highlight “two great voices” Alicia gives Michael advice on “finishing the words.” Dave was a 4 chair turn. Mike only turned one (which surprised me at the time). At the final rehearsal, Alicia thinks they both should play piano…but switch out a single keyboard. The duo has to work on blocking their moves, but all around everyone is excited about the idea.
Dave begins out front, with Mike on the electric keys. They trade off lines and then switch places. It’s sort of a weird gimmick, actually. Neither plays on the chorus. They bro it out with their arms around each other. Thankfully, they ditch the gimmick halfway through. They’re both good singers in their own right. No distractions please! One will be stolen, as it should be. Miley says they both shined in their own way. Adam wanted Dave on his team so bad! But Michael was a real surprise. He’d choose him. Blake compares Mike to Rick Moranis. Again. It’s his favorite performance of the day. Mike was his favorite. Michael Wins the Battle. Team Adam Steals Dave. Wish fulfilled for Adam.
Moving on to the Knockout Rounds
Sophia Urista from Team Miley
Courtney Harrell from Team Blake
Michael Sanchez from Team Alicia
Dave Moisan is Stolen by Team Adam from Team Alicia
Josette Diaz from Team Miley
Ponciano Seoane from Team Adam
Maye Thomas from Team Miley
Lane Mack from Team Miley
Ethan Tucker from Team Blake
Elia Esparza from Team Adam
Charity Bowden from Team Miley
Khaliya Kimberlie from Team Miley