The episode begins with teams learning they must drive themselves to Innsbruck, Austria. They also leave in three different groups that’s determined by the order they finished the prior leg. Claire & Derek, Glenda & Lumumba, and Quinton & Mattie are the first three to depart. Tim & Rex, Emily & Molly, Linton & Sharik, and Michael & Marcus are the second group to depart. Will & Abby, Rich & Dom, Aubrey & David, and Luis & Michelle are the last three to depart. Everyone in the first group asks for directions from locals before driving away. Emily & Molly and Linton & Sharik ask a local for directions. Tim & Rex choose to follow Michael & Marcus, who are relying on reading the map themselves. After the Group 3 teams depart, Quinton & Mattie realize they made a mistake. They thought they had to remain in Munich, Germany until a local tells them they’re supposed to be going to Austria.
Derek & Claire are the first team to arrive at the clue box. Michael & Marcus and Tim & Rex arrive right behind them. They learn they have a Roadblock to complete. One team member must perform a yodeling task. Claire, Michael, and Rex are the first three to attempt the Roadblock. Claire says she’s tone-deaf, which Derek agrees with. Rex calls it a brutal task. While they’re practicing, Glenda & Lumumba arrive. Glenda chooses to do the Roadblock. After she arrives, Claire decides to do her first attempt. She doesn’t get the lyrics correct, so she must try again. Michael gets the first two yodels correct, but she fails the third. Rex doesn’t pass either. Meanwhile, the other teams are still making their way to the Roadblock.
Linton & Sharik, Emily & Molly, Rich & Dom, and Aubrey & David finally arrive at the Roadblock. Linton, Emily, Dom, and Aubrey choose to do the Roadblock. Will & Abby and Luis & Michelle are still driving. Luis & Michelle go the wrong way, and they don’t realize their mistake until after Will & Abby are no longer driving behind them. Meanwhile, Quinton & Mattie are stuck in traffic while Claire and Rex still struggle with the yodeling task. Michael is the first to complete the Roadblock. He and Marcus are now in first place. They get their next clue and learn they must proceed to Marktplatz. Glenda is the second to pass the yodeling task after her first attempt. Linton passes next, putting him and Sharik in third place. Claire is struggling the most, failing the task after four attempts. Will & Abby and Luis & Michelle finally arrive with Abby and Michelle doing the Roadblock. Emily completes the Roadblock next. Claire is feeling discouraged after she and Derek have lost their lead.
Marcus & Michael get their next clue. They have a Detour to complete: “Bells Ringin'” requires teams to play bells to a traditional folk song. “Partner Swingin'” requires teams to learn a choreographed dance in time to the music. Michael & Marcus choose to do the bells task. Meanwhile, Abby completes the Roadblock. She and Will can proceed to Marktplatz. As they make their way there, Glenda & Lumumba choose to do the “Partner Swingin'” task. They begin practicing the dance steps. Linton & Sharik also make their way to the dancing task. Will & Abby arrive at Marktplatz and choose the dancing task too. Claire is still struggling with the yodeling task while Rex, Dom, Michelle, and Aubrey all pass. All the teams are now ahead of Derek & Claire with the exception of Quinton & Mattie.
Claire finally completes the Roadblock just as Quinton & Mattie arrive. Mattie does the Roadblock for their team. Derek & Claire are hopeful their navigational skills will help them improve their position. As they drive to the Detour, Tim & Rex, Aubrey & David, and Luis & Michelle struggle finding where to go. Mattie completes the Roadblock, allowing Quinton and herself to drive to Marktplatz.
Michael & Marcus struggle with the bells task while Glenda & Lumumba and Linton & Sharik struggle with the dancing task. Emily & Molly, Rich & Dom, and Luis & Michelle find their next clue and choose their Detours. Emily & Molly and Luis & Michelle choose the dancing task while Rich & Dom choose the bells task. Will & Abby arrive at the dancing Detour.
Michael & Marcus finally pass the “Ringin’ Bells” Detour. They can make their way on foot to the Pit Stop: Hofburg Imperial Palace. Soon afterwards, Glenda & Lumumba complete the “Partner Swingin'” Detour. Linton & Sharik complete it too. Meanwhile, Derek & Claire and Dom & Rich arrive at the bells Detour.
Michael & Marcus arrive at the Pit Stop as Team #1. They won Expedia Reward points to a trip to Lima, Peru. Will & Abby, Luis & Michelle, and Emily & Molly are practicing their dance steps as Derek & Claire complete the “Ringin’ Bells” Detour on their first attempt. As they depart, Glenda & Lumumba and Linton & Sharik arrive at the Pit Stop as Team #2 and Team #3 respectively. While they are still at the Pit Stop mat, Derek & Claire arrive as Team #4.
Luis & Michelle complete the “Partner Swingin'” Detour as Tim & Rex finally make their way to the “Bells Ringin'” Detour. Rich & Dom are still at the bells task too. Luis & Michelle arrive at the Pit Stop as Team #5 as Will & Abby and Emily & Molly finally complete the dancing Detour. Rich & Dom finally complete their Detour too while Tim & Rex are still practicing.
Aubrey & David complete the dancing Detour while Will & Abby arrive at the Pit Stop as Team #6. Tim & Rex are still struggling with the “Ringin’ Bells” Detour after nine attempts. Their struggles could give Quinton & Mattie a chance, who are beginning the “Partner Swingin'” Detour.
Emily & Molly arrive at the Pit Stop as Team #7. They’re grateful to have more time to get to know each other. Rich & Dom are right behind them, but Phil cannot check them in yet. The clue instructs all teams to keep their traditional costumes on for the entire leg. Dom isn’t wearing her hat, and she must find it before checking in.
Aubrey & David arrive at the Pit Stop as Team #8 as Quinton & Mattie complete the “Partner Swingin'” Detour after their first attempt. They can make their way to the Pit Stop too. At that same moment, Tim & Rex finally complete the “Bells Ringin'” Detour. Dom & Rich retrieve her hat from the car and run back to the Pit Stop. All remaining three teams are making their way to the Pit Stop, but which team will arrive last?
Rich & Dom return to the Pit Stop as Team #9. They are still on the mat as Quinton & Mattie arrive as Team #10. Quinton breaks down in tears, believing that he and Mattie were about to be eliminated. Later, Tim & Rex are the last team to arrive. Tim & Rex have been eliminated from the race.
Leg Summary
1st place: Michael & Marcus
2nd place: Glenda & Lumumba
3rd place: Linton & Sharik
4th place: Derek & Claire
5th place: Luis & Michelle
6th place: Will & Abby
7th place: Emily & Molly
8th place: Aubrey & David
9th place: Rich & Dom
10th place: Quinton & Mattie
Eliminated: Tim & Rex
And that wraps up tonight’s episode of The Amazing Race. Thanks for reading, and come back next week for another live recap.