The Amazing Race 2022 Recap Week 10 Live Blog

Amazing Race 2022 Recap Week 10
Pictured (L-R): Luis Colon, Michelle Burgos, Aubrey Ares, and David Hernandez. Photo: CBS ©2022

The Amazing Race 2022 Recap Week 10

Four teams remain in the race: Aubrey & David, Derek & Claire, Emily & Molly, and Luis & Michelle. Their next destination is Reykjavík, Iceland. The Final 4 will take helicopter rides to their next location. The remaining teams are awed by the sights and feel fortunate for making it this far in the race. David works as a helicopter mechanic, so this experience is special for him. Emily & Molly were long-lost twins for 36 years, and they say the memories they’re making on the race makes up for lost time.

Luis & Michelle and Aubrey & David are the first teams to arrive at the first task. They land on Sólheimajökull, which is an outlet glacier. They must climb up the glacier one at a time and retrieve a flag of Iceland. They will receive their next clue after both team members retrieve their flag. Luis & Michelle complete their climb first. They get their next clue and learn they must proceed to Fljótshlígarfoss. Aubrey & David are right behind them, and they complete the ice climb before Derek & Claire and Emily & Molly arrive. Derek & Claire and Emily & Molly complete the ice climb too. Emily’s knee injury is still hurting, and their slower pace puts them further behind the other teams.

Due to some navigational issues and struggle driving stick shift, Derek & Claire arrive at the clue box before Luis & Michelle and Aubrey & David. They have a Roadblock to complete. One team member must go into a cave, retrieve a clue, and navigate through the cave until they reunite with their partner. Derek must do this Roadblock. Luis & Michelle and Aubrey & David arrive afterwards. Luis and David choose to do the Roadblock. Emily & Molly arrive last with Molly choosing to do the Roadblock. Derek has no issues with the Roadblock, but David isn’t comfortable swimming. Luis manages to pass David due to his hesitation. David finally gets his clue. David moves through the Roadblock slowly and cautiously, allowing Molly to catch up to him.

Derek and Luis complete the Roadblock. The two teams in the lead can now proceed to Silfra Fissure. David finishes the Roadblock next, but Molly is only seconds behind him. All teams make their way to Silfra Fissures. They learn they have another task to complete together. They must swim between two tectonic plates and look for names of volcanoes. They must remember the names to pass a memory quiz to get their clue. All teams are at Silfra Fissure at the same time, with Luis & Michelle attempting the task first. David still feels uneasy in the water, but he’s determined to complete it to keep racing. Claire, on the other hand, is very comfortable in the water and has been looking forward to a swimming task.

Luis & Michelle do not pass the memory quiz on their first attempt. They must do the swim again. Claire uses a mnemonic device to remember the volcano names. She and Derek complete the task and can now proceed to the Pit Stop: Gullfoss Falls. Luis & Michelle pass on their second attempt. They can proceed to the Pit Stop too. Aubrey & David and Emily & Molly attempt the memory quiz at the same time. They do not pass either, but Aubrey & David have a lot more incorrect answers than Emily & Molly. Both teams must redo the swim. David is having difficulties doing the swimming task again.

Derek & Claire arrive at the Pit Stop. Phil gives them the good news. Derek & Claire are Team #1! They have won Expedia Points for a five-night stay to London, England. Before we see Luis & Michelle arrive at the Pit Stop, we see Emily & Molly complete the memory task. They can proceed to the Pit Stop too.

Luis & Michelle greet Phil as Team #2. There is only one spot left in the Final Leg. While Emily & Molly are already on their way to the Pit Stop, Aubrey & David attempt the memory quiz again. Half their answers are wrong. Aubrey doesn’t want David to go in the water again. She knows it won’t be any better for him, so she suggests taking the two-hour penalty.

After Emily & Molly arrive at the Pit Stop as Team #3, Aubrey & David later arrive in last place. Aubrey & David have been eliminated from the race.

Amazing Race 2022 Recap Week 10 Episode Summary

1st place: Derek & Clarie

2nd place: Luis & Michelle

3rd place: Emily & Molly

Eliminated: Aubrey & David

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of The Amazing Race. Thanks for reading, and come back next week for the season finale.

About Steven Curtis 562 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.