Join me here tonight. Don’t forget to sound off in the comments!
Hailee, Gaby, Jaja, and Virgil.
One will win it all.
One will not win, but will come in fourth.
One will probably be an All-Star.
One might play on Broadway.
Votes from last week will be added to this weeks votes. NO ELIMINATIONS TONIGHT! YAY!
Nigel, Paula, and Jason at the judges table.
1) Jaja and Hailee- Hip Hop with Misha and Nick- Put It In The Bag by Kalenna
They’re robbers. There was some talk abut Hailee outshining Jaja in rehearsal, except Jaja looks in her style, and Hailee looks like a dancer doing an admirable attempt out of her style. I can tell the difference. Very admirable though, but Jaja is in her home right now. She hits everything harder, cleaner, and with a little extra punch that Hailee is missing. Misha and Nick did a routine earlier this season, Nigel. Nigel says the girls stole his heart. Paula loves the lady ninja aspect, and thought they both killed it. Paula says it was really fun. Jason thought it was a strong performance, and married very well.
Click to Watch the Performance Video
2) Virgil and Gaby- Lyrical Hip Hop with Phillip Chbeeb- Slip by Elliot Moss
Chbeeb is back! Brilliant choreography. Some really cool moves. We should have more “lyrical hip hop” on the show. Paula loved the choreo too, and thought they both danced it brilliantly. Jason calls the choreography unique, and fly. Nigel congratulates Phillip, and says it plays to Virgil’s strength, and says Gaby has been working hard for years now.
Click to watch the Performance Video
3) Jaja and Gaby- Jazz with Nick and RJ- Woman by Joy Williams
Gaby has two routines basically back to back. That sucks. That was an OK routine. Nothing amazing. I didn’t love it. Jason thought it was strong. Nigel thought there was a lot of passion. Jaja tells her to relax her body more. Nigel says either Jaja or Gaby will win. Paula babbles a lot, and comes back around to saying that they work well together. It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer.
Click to Watch the Performance Video
4) Jaja and Virgil- Contemp by Stacey Tookey- I Love You (Acoustic)
Now Jaja is dancing back to back. A couple has lost their spark. Jaja is so committed. Beautifully danced. I couldn’t tell they were out of their styles. Great choreography. Nigel says Virgil dances to the extremes of his body. Nigel says Jaja has been amazing this season. Paula is proud of them learning technique this season. Jason congratulates them, saying how far they’ve come over the season.
Click to Watch the Performance Video
5) Virgil and Hailee- Broadway with Josh- Billy-A-Dick by Bette Midler
Hailee lives below Virgil, the nightmare drummer. lol. I don’t think the story actually carried over at all. Hailee never really seemed annoyed except in the very beginning and the very end. Fun dance, but I didn’t get the story. Paula says it was a wonderful nod to the MGM Musicals. Paula tells Haille not to change her look. Jason agrees that it was fun. Jason says Hailee lost her character in some places. Nigel agrees with Jason about the personality thing on Hailee. Nigel says they still both shined, and are both “Broadway Babies”. All the judges give Cat a standing O for her pregnancy, at the mention of a baby.
Click to Watch the Performance Video
6) Hailee and Gaby- Contemporary by Travis- Do Not Hang Your Head
Love has no boundaries. An acceptance dance. Travis almost always has incredible choreography. This piece is another notch in his belt. A great girl/girl duet we’ve been missing all season. These two are perfectly matched. Hailee’s best of the night so far. Gaby is incredble. The song is haunting. I loved it. The Philip Chbeeb number is still my favorite of the night so far, but this is a very close second. Standing O from two judges. Nigel didn’t stand. Hailee is crying a bit. Jason praises Travis, and praises the girls. Jason says he’d pay 200-300 dollars to see that. Nigel says that the fact that the dancers actually felt the dance was the most important part. Paula calls it real, honest, and special.
Click to Watch the Performance Video
7) Gaby’s Solo- Magalenha by Sergio Mendes
To think that Gaby actually was cut in her first audition this season. That’s insane. Gaby says Travis’s round was her best round in Vegas. Her favorite performance was her duet with Robert (Angel/Mandy Moore). Travis says that was his favorite of the season. Gaby plans on using the money to pay her parents back for all the leotards and tights. LOL. Gaby’s tap solo tonight is ELECTRIFYING. Fast tapping. So good. Her best solo this season. Hands down. I wanted more!
8) Virgil and Joshua- Hip Hop by Pharcyde and Phoenix- Let’s Go by Trick Daddy
Can Virgil match up to Joshua? This is the answer to “Run The World”. Hard hip hop. Cool tricks. I mean, Phillips routine was cool, but this routine might be my new favorite. This is next level hip hop guys. This is like the Alex/Twitch routine. That kind of crazy stuff. Loved it. LOVED IT. WOW. The tricks though. For real. Joshua just proved why he’s the best. Virgil’s best routine of the season. Standing O from the judges. Nigel is dancing around like a crazy man. The judges are still standing. LOL. Nigel has lost his damn mind. Nigel says this brought Virgil back to his roots, and he loved it to death. Paula says it was her favorite routine of Pharcyde and Phoenix. Paula thought the walking up Josh’s back was incredible, the assisted cartwheels were amazing too. She calls Virgil heroic. Jason just screams “Let’s GO!”, cause he’s out of time, and Nigel loses his mind again. LOL.
Click to Watch Virgil’s Performance and Solo Video
9) Virgil’s Solo- A Beautiful Mime
To think Virgil is a reaudition. That’s crazy. Virgil’s favorite routine was Hailee. It’s a little like an urkel dance. Another great solo. Really nice job from Virgil. I just realized that was the Mad Men theme song. LOL.
10) Hailee and Marko- Jazz by Ray Leeper- All Nite by Janet Jackson
Hailee and Marko are crazy good in this. Lots of personality. Great to see Marko back on the stage. Nice finish. Not my favorite routine, but it was good. Jason thought Hailee brought the power. Paula thought she was awesome. Nigel says she’s given everything in every performance she’s ever given.
Click to Watch Hailee’s Performance and Solo Video
11) Hailee’s Solo- Cold Hearted by Paula Abdul
Hailee talks about that moment when she found out she made the Top 20, and being surprised. She talks about having her family supportive, even though her parents are divorced. Her favorite routine is the robot duet with Virgil. Some cool stunts. Not my favorite solo of the night, but not bad. Paula seems to really appreciate that she danced to her song.
12) Jaja and Cyrus- Animation with Christopher Scott- Kaolo by Yellow Claw
Nice to see Cyrus back. Jaja starts off in a tube. It’s like a sequel to the Cyrus/Twitch dance. Jaja is like a terminator of dance. She’s KILLING IT. Love it. Cyrus is great too. Love this routine. Another great Jaja routine this night. I think Jaja might win this whole thing. She’s been great the whole night. Cool lighting also. Standing O from Jason. Jason goes crazy with his review, and says he’s glad he doesn’t have to pick the winner. Nigel says he’s not usually a fan of sequels. Nigel says it wasn’t the follow-up he wanted. He gets booed. Nigel doesn’t feel like she was pushed enough in this routine. Paula says its important that the choreo plays to her strength. Animation is hard.
Click to Watch JaJa’s Performance and Solo Video
13) Jaja’s Solo- Street Side by 20 Killz
Twitch says she’s attacked everything all season. Jaja got engaged during the show. Jaja’s parents are still in the Czech Republic. If this reality show wanted some tears, they’d fly those parents over here for the finale. Come on producers. Jaja wants to encourage girls to “get it if they want it”. Hard hitting. A good solo. I’m not sure if it’s her best, but solid work.
14) Gaby and Zack- Tap by Anthony- Dibidy Dop by Club Des
Nice to see they brought Zack back… but where’s Aaron? (insert sad face here). Travis thinks it will be a “moment”. It’s not just tap, it’s a little broadway too. Feels like a Fred Astaire throwback a bit. They’re dancing mostly on boxes with gaps between them. I’m so glad they didn’t miss a step cause that would have ended their dancing for a while. Great routine. High difficulty. Awesome way to end the night. Standing O from all three judges. Nigel might get his tap winner after all. Nigel praised Anthony’s choreography, and looks back on how they almost didn’t take Gaby. Nigel says Gaby has something very special. Paula calls Gaby a tornado. Jason says he’s in love with what Gaby does. Jason stands on the desk and gives Gaby a standing O again. Wow.
Click to Watch Gaby’s Performance and Solo Video
I think we’ve got an awesome race between Gaby and Jaja. We’ll either get our first tap winner, or our first female hip hop winner. I think it’s clear that Hailee can’t win, and even though Virgil made a play tonight, he really just made a play for 3rd.
Who will win? Make sure you vote tonight for your favorite! Last chance to vote! Join me again for a power ranking, and my final thoughts on who might take the crown this season on Thursday.
Sound off in the comments. What was your favorite routine of the night?