Survivor Season 45 Week 6 Recap and Live Blog (RESULTS)

Survivor 45
Pictured (L-R): Jeff Probst, Drew Basile, and Austin Li Coon. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2023

Survivor Season 45 Week 6 Recap and Live Blog Results

A new episode of Survivor airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap here.

The Belo tribe returns to camp after tribal council. Kendra was blindsided by Brando’s elimination. Austin, Drew, and Emily explain they didn’t want Brando to play his Shot in the Dark advantage. They thought Kendra would’ve given him a heads up if she knew about the plan ahead of time. Emily admits in her confessional that she feels like she is part of a team with Austin and Drew instead of a number. That’s why she sided with them. Kendra tells them she’s fine, but she admits in her confessional that she wants revenge against Emily.

Meanwhile at the Lulu camp, Bruce, Jake, Kaleb, and Kellie go searching for the hidden immunity idol. Bruce finds a Beware Advantage that informs him the idol is hidden under their shelter. Bruce tries to find it before Katurah returns. Kellie keeps a lookout while Jake helps Bruce dig. Katurah eventually comes back to camp, but Jake comes up with a fake story about losing one of his rings. While Jake and Bruce keep digging, a boat arrives at camp. They are informed the tribes are merging at the Reba beach. Before they leave, Bruce finally finds the hidden immunity idol.

The tribes merge at the Reba beach. Dee only trusts Julie, Drew, and Austin. This was her original alliance on the Reba tribe. Kaleb is glad to reunite with his Lulu ally Emily. Kendra still wants to work with her original Belo tribe members. She lets them know how Brando was voted out. Bruce has it out for Emily after the marooning. She called him out at the very beginning of the game. Bruce and Emily discuss it and say they can move on, but it’s clear neither of them want to be in an alliance with each other.

Austin tells Dee and Julie about the journey involving the amulets. Austin is still annoyed how he didn’t get a sandwich because J. Maya and Kellie wanted the amulet advantage. Austin also explains how his amulet will gain power when the other amulets are out of the game. The Reba 4 alliance agree to target J. Maya first.

Kaleb and Emily talk game. Emily sees divisions on the Reba tribe, but the Belo tribe seems more united. They agree to play both sides without getting caught playing the middle. Meanwhile, Bruce is feeling excluded from game talks. He also notices how Kaleb is talking to everybody. Bruce vents his frustration to Kendra and Katurah. He later talks to Kaleb, and he points out how Kaleb is talking to everyone. Kaleb feels like Bruce doesn’t trust him anymore. He shares this concern with Kellie, and she says Bruce has become a liability. She wouldn’t mind voting him out at the next tribal council, but she admits his hidden immunity idol could be a problem.

It’s time for the immunity challenge. They will be randomly divided into two teams of six. Afterwards, they must run an obstacle course and then solve two puzzles at the end. There are thirteen castaways, so there will be one person out. Whoever draws the gray rock will have to bet on a team. If he or she is right, then that player will be safe too.

Blue – Sifu, Drew, Bruce, Austin, Julie, Kendra

Red – Kaleb, J. Maya, Jake, Dee, Emily, Kellie

Katurah draws the gray rock and she bets the Blue Team will win. The challenge begins. Red falls behind when J. Maya struggles under the first net obstacle. The challenge continues, but the Blue team never catches up. Drew and Austin solve the first block puzzle before Kendra and Julie solve the second word puzzle. Sifu, Drew, Bruce, Austin, Julie, Kendra, and Katurah win immunity! Everyone will still attend and cast a vote at tribal council tonight.

The Blue team and Katurah enjoy a meal at the sanctuary. The talk eventually turns to game. Sifu wants J. Maya out. Drew says he’s fine with that. Julie also asks about the two original Lulu tribe members Kaleb and Emily. Kendra says Kaleb is a threat and a dangerous player. Bruce agrees that Kaleb should go. In her confessional, Katurah says she doesn’t want Kaleb to go since she believes Kaleb is a number for them. Back at camp, Jake and J. Maya talk game. J.

Maya says a Lulu tribe member should go. She wants Kaleb gone. She calls him a slimy player. Jake talks to Dee later. Jake is hesitant to throw out a name, but Dee shares that she wants J. Maya gone. Jake is shocked by that. Dee tells the same to Kaleb later. He is also surprised Reba is targeting one of their own. Dee explains in her confessional that voting out J. Maya won’t ruffle any feathers. Kellie is glad that Reba is willing to take out one of their own numbers, but she wonders what was discussed at the feast and questions if everyone will really be on the same page.

After the feast and everyone is on the beach, the plan for tonight is shared among everyone. J. Maya seems to be the consensus, but Kendra and Bruce would rather see Kaleb voted out tonight. After Drew learns Kaleb is an option, he’s on board to vote out Kaleb too. He sees voting out Kaleb as the better strategic move. Austin and Drew tell Dee and Emily that the vote is flipping to Kaleb. Emily doesn’t want Kaleb to go. She later warns him that he’s in trouble. In an effort to try to save himself, Kaleb tells the Reba alliance that Bruce has a hidden immunity idol. Kaleb is trying his best to make them feel like he is 100% on their side.

It’s time for tribal council. Jeff asks about everyone being on the same camp. Drew says there is uncertainty. Emily says she and Bruce squashed the beef from the marooning. J. Maya says yesterday was overwhelming with so many new people. Sifu jokes they had office hours today. Jeff points out how there are only six options tonight. Kaleb says he’s an optimist, but who does he need to talk to? Emily says tribe dynamics don’t matter anymore. J. Maya says they need to move forward with people they’ve built connections with. Kaleb says he’s not the biggest strategic threat and everyone should vote out J. Maya tonight. Kaleb says it would lower the Reba numbers. J. Maya reiterates that Kaleb is a threat, especially after everything he’s saying right before they cast their votes. Afterwards, it’s time to vote.

At the voting booth, we see Austin choose not to vote to extend the longevity of his hidden immunity idol.

Before Jeff reads the votes, Kaleb plays his Shot in the Dark advantage. Jeff reveals the scroll. Kaleb is safe. Any votes cast for Kaleb will not count.


The first vote is for…












Everybody (except Austin) voted for Kaleb. Since Kaleb played his Shot in the Dark advantage, he wasn’t able to vote. Before the revote, they get into groups and whisper a new plan. J. Maya pushes for Emily to go, but others are saying to vote for J. Maya instead. Who will go tonight?

Jeff reads the votes. The first vote is for…

J. Maya


J. Maya

J. Maya

J. Maya

J. Maya

J. Maya

J. Maya is the sixth person voted out of Survivor 45.

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor 45. Thanks for reading, and come back next week for another live recap.

About Steven Curtis 562 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.