Survivor Season 36 Ghost Island Week 11 Recap and Live Blog

A new episode of Survivor: Ghost Island airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap and join the discussion here.

The tribe returns to camp after tribal council. Kellyn comes clean about having an extra vote. She explains she voted for Laurel to give herself better odds since she believed the guys were going to be safe this round. Laurel says this shows that everyone is out for themselves, but she’s glad Wendell and Domenick are still on her side.

It’s time for the reward challenge. The challenge involves going over obstacles and throwing sandbags. The winner will win a picnic reward. After Jeff explains the rules, he reveals it’s a loved ones visit. The family members there are Wendell’s dad, Kellyn’s brother, Donathan’s aunt, Angela’s daughter, Chelsea’s sister, Laurel’s brother, Sebastian’s sister, and Domenick’s wife. After all the reunions, the challenge begins. All the castaways are crossing balance beams and crawling under logs before they can toss their sandbag. Sebastian takes the lead as he’s the first to start tossing his sandbag. Domenick catches up, but Sebastian lands his sandbag on the post first. Sebastian wins reward! Sebastian is allowed to pick three pairs of loved ones, and he chooses Domenick and his wife, Wendell and his father, and Donathan and his aunt. He also must decide who goes to Ghost Island. Jeff reveals that an advantage will be at Ghost Island for whomever goes there today. Sebastian asks if anyone wants to go, and Wendell volunteers to go to Ghost Island. Even though Wendell and his father will no longer be participating in the reward, another pair won’t be taking their spot. Before the commercial break, Kellyn says in a confessional that the guys are full of themselves and it was foolish to leave all the girls alone together back at camp.

Wendell arrives at Ghost Island, and he receives the advantage that was given to Malcolm back in Survivor: Philippines. He’s allowed a second chance at the upcoming immunity challenge. Wendell is glad to have received this advantage and he is hoping to make it to the Final 3. Meanwhile, the three pairs of loved ones are enjoying their reward. Domenick tells Donathan’s aunt that he plans to go to the end with all the people at the reward. However, Donathan admits in a confessional that he doesn’t want to go to the end with them. He wants to try to vote one of them out instead.

Back at camp, the girls are upset how the reward challenge went. Kellyn is especially irritated Wendell ruined someone’s visit with a loved one. They all agree that it was a mistake for the guys to leave the women at camp since they now have the numbers. Angela suggests splitting up Domenick and Wendell at the upcoming vote, and Kellyn and Chelsea are on board with the idea. Laurel, however, is noticeably hesitant. She tells the girls she is on board, but she says in a confessional that she still feels like Kellyn burned a bridge with her at the previous vote. However, she says it could be mutually beneficial.

It’s time for the immunity challenge. It’s an endurance challenge that requires the castaways to hold two cylinders together as a marble balances atop of it. As the challenge progresses, they will have to use longer cylinders. If they drop the marble, they are eliminated from the challenge. After Wendell reveals his advantage, the challenge begins. Kellyn is the first to drop her marble. In the next round of the challenge, Angela and Wendell drop their marbles. Angela is eliminated, but Wendell gets a second chance due to his advantage. The challenge continues, and Wendell drops his marble again. Wendell is eliminated from the competition. After twenty minutes have passed, they move on to the final round with the longest cylinders. Sebastian is the next to drop his marble, leaving only four people competing for immunity. Laurel is the next to drop, and she is followed by Chelsea. It’s now a showdown between Donathan and Domenick. Donathan is the next to drop. Domenick wins immunity.

The castaways return to camp after the immunity challenge. Despite losing immunity with an advantage, Wendell is confident he’s in a good position on the tribe. He and Domenick agree to vote out Chelsea. They believe the two of them, Sebastian, Laurel, and Donathan will be the votes to send home Chelsea. However, Kellyn, Chelsea, and Angela are trying to get the votes to take out Wendell. Angela approaches Donathan, and he says he’ll be on board. Meanwhile, Wendell confirms plans with Laurel, and he feels uneasy due to Laurel’s demeanor. He says he’ll play his idol tonight if he believes he’ll be in trouble. Later on, we see Laurel and Donathan discuss the vote. They are torn what to do, but admit this could be the opportunity to take out a huge threat in Wendell. In her confessional, Laurel reveals that she trusts Domenick and Wendell more than she trusts the girls, but she’s aware she might not be able to beat those guys if she were to go to the Final 3 with them.

It’s time for tribal council. Jeff asks about the fallout of the double tribal councils, and Kellyn says there were hurt feelings. She admits to putting two votes on Laurel. Jeff asks Donathan his thoughts about tonight, and Donathan says that he and Laurel are on the bottom. However, Donathan reveals that there is an opening tonight. His statement causes shocked looks from everyone from the original Naviti tribe. Everyone is obviously faking surprise as the original Naviti girls want Wendell out and the original Naviti guys want Chelsea out. No one is admitting to any plans that suggests voting out an original Naviti. Donathan says he’s had the girls come to him with a plan and the guys have come to him with a plan. Wendell says that Donathan does not hold his tongue and it’s something to consider. Domenick is glad he has immunity before saying that people could be planning a move to help their resumes if they were to make it to Final Tribal Council. Jeff asks if there will be a blindside, and Donathan says he hopes there will be. Afterwards, it’s time to vote.

Before Jeff reads the votes, no one plays a hidden immunity idol.

Jeff reads the votes. The first vote is for…









Chelsea is voted out and the sixth member of the jury.

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor: Ghost Island. Thanks for reading, post your thoughts in the comment section below, and come back next week for another live recap.

About Steven Curtis 562 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.