Season 8 Hollywood Rounds Spoiler Update

Idol spoiler, JoesPlace, updated her list of potential Idol contestants, and you can take a look at it right HERE at the Vote For the Worst forums.   She’s got 23 people on her list of contestants who are confirmed to have taken part in the Hollywood Rounds, which finished in Los Angeles at the end of last week.

Some of the contestants have recordings posted on You Tube, My Space and other various websites. JoesPlace has provided links to all the various contestant media, to make checking out this year’s contestants easy peasy! All the links are HERE.

Notable Hollywood Contestants:

  • Michael Castro, is Jason Castro’s younger brother. One tip-off that Michael may have made Hollywood, was Michael and family arriving in LA at the beginning of Hollywood week, ostensibly to drop off a car for Jason in LA. *wink*.   Michael, like his brother Jason, claims to have very little experience performing in front of audiences.
  • Anna Kaelin is the daughter of David Archuleta’s vocal coach, Dean Kaelin.   Dean, if you’ll recall, played family mouth-piece during the competition, speaking out on the Dadchuleta controversy, and other issues.
  • Joanna Pacitti is already causing a stir.   She was previously singed to A&M and Geffen Records and had a song, “Circus” that was covered by Britney Spears.   She’s this year’s “plant” a la Carly Smithson last year. Also, rumor has it she broke up DWTS pro Mark Ballas and his girlfriend!   Beeyotch.
  • Otto Malone – This contestant should get a ton of screen time. He’s a chief warrant officer in his National Guard unit, and was seriously wounded in the leg by enemy fire late last year while piloting an Apache helicopter over Musa Qala in Afghanistan. He auditioned on crutches.
  • Scott Douglas MacIntyre – He’s blind and plays several instruments. Oh yeah, we’ll see his audition.
  • Von Lee Smith – His video performance   of “And I Am Telling You” went viral and he became something of a You Tube star.   Consequently, he was invited to   perform on The View and BET’s 106 and Park. Let me guess…he auditioned with…

Also in Los Angeles last week, a few past Hollywood contestants, including Mishavonna Henson, Michael Bartul, Imari Molifua, Asa Barnes, and Angela Martin, whose special needs daughter with Rhett’s Syndrome became a major backstory last season.

Their fates unknown, but still in the game: This year, for the first time, Top 50 contestants are eligible to try out again. Making it to at least the judges round is Season 7 Top 50 contestant, Colton Swon who recently left a message on Jason Castro’s My Space that he just finished his record in Nashville. Another S7 Top 50 contestant, Brandon Green, auditioned again and made it to the producers round. ETA: He’s publicly admitted he didn’t make it past the producers round…

Not going anywhere, but what the hey: Remember that goofy, frenetic kid,   Chris Bernheisel, who auditioned in Omaha last year? The local FOX affiliate promised him he could do Idol commentary on the red carpet, but when that didn’t pan out, Jimmy Kimmel enlisted his services. He auditioned this year, and made it in front of the judges once again. Alexis Cohen (the crazy chick from S7 Philadephia auditions) auditioned in front of the judges in New York, and apparently thought she was doing a serious audition.   Word is the judges spent a lot of time with her.

And finally, rumor has it that new judge Kara DioGuardi is going for Simon 2.0. Apparently she’s been “ridiculously brutal.”

I’ll be updating as more information is revealed. Got a tip? Email me at mjsbigblog

About mj santilli 35173 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!