Season 7 Top 50 Who Didn’t Make the Top 24 Cut Are Eligible for American Idol Season 8

The cool kids at Idol Forums are already busy getting ready for the new Idol season. You know what that means….the SPOILERS are coming! YAY.

So check it out! Contestants from the Top 50 of Season 7 who did not make the cut for that Season’s Top 24 are eligible to try out again for Season 8. That is, if they haven’t aged out (Shaun Barrows) or gotten signed (Josiah Leming). In the past, contestants who made the Top 32/40/44/50 were not eligible to audition for Idol again.

Giant props to Idol Maniac for finding the following tidbit from the American Idol 2009 Audition Rules ETA: corrected so the link takes you to the AI Official Rules.:

You are ineligible to participate if you progressed in any previous season of American Idol ® to any of the following levels:
— Season 1 ‘ top 30 contestants
— Season 2 ‘ top 32 contestants
— Season 3 ‘ top 36 contestants
— Season 4 ‘ top 44 contestants
— Season 5 ‘ top 44 contestants
— Season 6 ‘ top 40 contestants
— Season 7 ‘ top 24 contestants

Notice that the rules for previous seasons have NOT been changed. Seems to me that TPTB felt a few good ones got away last season, don’t you think?

So, expect peeps like Drew Poppelreiter, Kyle Ensley, Neyshia Go, Samantha Sidley, Colton Swon, Brandon Green and Cardin McKinney at the auditions again this year.

And expect at least a few of them to make Season 8’s Top 24…I wonder who TPTB have their eye on?

Which rejected Season 7 Top 50 contestants would YOU like to see make the Season 8 Top 24? My vote goes to Kyle Ensley

About mj santilli 35052 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!