Ryan Murphy Engaged – Glee Cast to be Replaced?

Glee creator, Ryan Murphy called into the Ryan Seacrest radio show this morning to talk about the ailing Glee Project (it’s not doing so well in the ratings–not that Ryan mentioned it), but of course talk turned to the upcoming season of Glee.

“We start shooting the third season mid-August, ” says Murphy, ” and it will be back on the air I believe the second or third week of September.”

Reportedly, there is a rumor that Glee Project contestants would be replacing graduating Glee cast members in Season 4.  Murphy confirms the entire original cast will be seniors Season 3, and will graduate in May, but even when pressed by Ryan,   he would not elaborate on what exactly will happen to beloved Glee cast members once they earn their diplomas.

Ryan asked if Murphy would be cleaning house, “I don’t think of it in terms of eliminating or replacing, ” says Murphy, “Because I think the thing about this cast is people love them and they are incredibly talented. They’ve left sort of an indelible mark.”

“The thing that I wanted to do and the cast wanted to do, we didn’t want to have a show where they were in high school for 8 years. We really wanted it to be true to that experience. We thought it would be really cool if we were true to the timeline.”

So does that mean kids will be leaving the show? Or will the focus of Glee split–to concentrate not only on the high schoolers, but also the kids making their way in a post-Glee world?  The latter would be a terrible idea–diluting the original premise of the show would ruin it.  And frankly, I can’t imagine Murphy being able to manage all the storylines coherently. He’s having a hard enough time as it is.

But…I suspect Murphy and I are on the same page, ““We’ve got Matt Morrison and Jane Lynch who will stay and be the male and female lynchpins of the series, ” he says, “but I think the fun thing about the show is it’s a celebration of youth and talent and I think that just like with the original cast, I think finding those young unknown people and giving them an opportunity to break into the business and become stars is a really fun and exciting thing and is the spirit of the series.”


I can’t see FOX losing popular characters entirely. I suspect there will be a spinoff featuring some of the graduating seniors. Kurt and Rachel talked about moving to New York (with Blaine!) in the Glee finale.  A new series featuring popular Glee actors like Chris Colfer, Lea Michele and Darren Criss playing their Glee characters coping with post-high school life could catch on–and FOX could potentially have yet another hit TV show.

At the end of the interview, The openly gay Murphy announced that he was engaged to his boyfriend. “I’m with a great fellow now who I’ve known for 15 years and we just got engaged and I’m very excited about it!”

Murphy didn’t name names, but ONTD posted this photo of a man named David who is supposedly Murphy’s boyfriend.

Listen to the interview here:

Ryan Murphy – Glee

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!