Russian Presenter Accuses Katy Perry of Sexual Misconduct (Sketchy)

The item was first posted in an outlet run by the Russian government.

katy perry ellen degeneres american idol rumors

Here’s a weird item from Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post (PageSix). A Russian presenter is claiming that Katy Perry tried to force a kiss on her at a party:

“Once I was invited to a private party with Katy Perry, where she, being pretty tipsy, chose me as an object for the manifestation of her passion,” said Kandelaki, 43… “I managed to fight back, strength training was not in vain, and Katy instantly found a new victim for kisses, hugs and dirty dances.”

She continued, “As far as I can tell, there were no casualties at the party, but I won’t be surprised at the stream of memories of unhappy fans who for years carried this inside themselves, and now they suddenly remembered the scolded dignity.”

It is unclear when this incident took place, and a rep for Kandelaki could not immediately be reached for comment.

It seems odd that the NYP and Fox News were the only major media in America to run the item. That is, until the source is considered. The item originally ran in Rossiyskaya Gazeta, a Russian publication. After poking around a little, it appears that the publication is controlled by the Russian government. 

An item that ran in The Guardian in 2014 describes Rossiyskaya Gazeta as “a newspaper owned and controlled by the Russian government. It is, in effect, [Vladimir] Putin’s mouthpiece, publishing Kremlin edicts, official decrees and documents provided by state bodies.”

One thing that the Mueller investigation into Russian influence on American 201 election DID establish is that Russia has been running a campaign to divide and discredit America and Americans–all in a bid to make the USA weaker. One method to help accomplish that goal would be to piggyback onto the #MeToo movement with a sketchy item accusing an American celebrity of bad behavior. Things that make you go hm….

I mean this, “I won’t be surprised at the stream of memories of unhappy fans who for years carried this inside themselves, and now they suddenly remembered the scolded dignity” sounds like a tweet from a Russian bot. Heh.

The Russian accusation comes in the wake of an earlier charge. In case you are just tuning in, the American Idol judge was accused of sexual misconduct last week by the model who starred in her “Teenage Dream” music video. He claims she pulled his junk out of his pants at a party in front of her friends in order to humiliate him.


About mj santilli 35055 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!