The whole Rebecca Black meme is completely inexplicable to me. Maybe some day, after sociologists have studied the phenomenon, I can have it explained to me.
Rebecca, who just turned 14, seems like a really sweet girl so I ain’t gonna hate on her, but this new song, “My Moment”, is only slightly less terrible than her debut “Friday”. Actually, it’s worse in a way–The lack of overly-processed vocals and inappropriate rapping = way less hilarity = Zzzzz. The tune is like a cross between one of those awful original Glee songs and a treacly Idol coronation song.
The song is a backdrop to a video montage of young Rebecca’s “journey” to “fame”. I hope she’s enjoying it and at least ends up with a nice fat college fund when her 15 minutes are up.
Bonus: Spot the SYTYCD dancers in the dance scene…(Robert! Kent!)