Randy Jackson dropped by Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday for an appearance that was full of win.
After discussing Randy’s new social media site, Next, they dig into a hilarious discussion about Idol.
Jimmy goes through photos of the remaining Top 3, and his reactions are priceless. When he gets to Haley’s photo he says to Randy, “You don’t like Haley you hate her. You were mean to her and everyone turned on you.” Jimmy Fallon is obviously an Idol fan, which makes his interviews with Idol related people totally fun. Randy predicts a boy and a girl in the final. Jimmy is predicting a Lauren Alaina win.
After looking at funny photos of Randy in Journey, Jimmy invites the dawg to play bass with the Roots. Randy says he “brought a special friend along, ” and James Durbin takes the stage to join Jimmy and Randy in an awesome jam. Pretty cool stuff. Watch the fun below.
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