Phillip Phillips On “Home” and His Upcoming Album (VIDEO)

American Idol winner, Phillip Phillips, dropped by Access Hollywood to talk about the Idol tour and the new life the Olympics breathed into his coronation single, “Home.”

Although he’s the kind of artist who likes to have a hand in the creation of the music he performs. Phillip has developed a connection to “Home” after re-arranging it a little to make it his own.

Phillip is extremely busy touring and writing and recording his upcoming album, but since his surgery to repair his kidney earlier this summer, he’s been feeling really good.

ETA: Interview with MTV:

“I’ve written with people who aren’t like me, then I’ve written with people who totally get it. It’s like a blind date, and you never know what’s going to happen,” he said. “But it’s really cool because they learn from you and you learn a little bit from them. And sometimes it works out, and sometimes it doesn’t. I’m more critical about my writing, and I’ve worked with some people who are even more critical, and I like that. You just learn new things from different people … I’ve worked with some cool people so far.”

And while there’s still no firm release date or title for his debut disc — “I may just call it Songs,

“There’s a couple of tunes similar to ‘Home,’ maybe I don’t know if they’re quite as sing-a-long, but they’ve got the same feel — hopefully, the ones I’m talking about make it on the album,” he said. “And there’s a lot of other ones that represent what I did on the show; they have the sax in it, the horn section with the electric guitar, the cool drum sounds, because I love crazy drum parts … it’s a little mixture of both.

“I just want to put out something that represents me. That’s the biggest thing. I don’t want to put out something that I’m going to look back and be like ‘Man, I wish I would have had more time to put this kind of section in there, or that kind of part in there,’ ” he continued. “But I really want to be proud of it and be like ‘Yeah, that’s my stuff.’ And hopefully people will enjoy it as much as I will.”

He’s got songs on the album that are similar to “Home”? Interesting. It sounds like he’s making a concerted effort to bridge what he did on the show with the sound of “Home”, while making sure the end result is true to who he is as an artist…

Access Hollywood Interview

MTV Interview

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About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!