The country gal singing Gretchen Wilson’s “Here For The Party” in the latest The Voice promo has been identified!
Her name is Liz Davis and she WON the MTV competitive reality show, P. Diddy’s Starmaker, back in 2009. Here’s a blog that tracked her progress on Starmaker.
Here she is singing Carrie Underwood’s “Before He Cheats.” Oh. Look. That’s Season 2 Idol alum, Kimberly Caldwell, introducing her! And a not-yet-a-superstar Lady Gaga on the judges’ panel. Whoa.
At one point, Liz posted on her Facebook that she had signed with a major label. Not sure what happened to her deal.
Thanks for all the heart warming comments. About to sign the dotted line with my new MAJOR LABEL in Nashville this month- it will be known everywhere:) Thanks for being patient and hanging in there. Its been tough- but I NEVER GAVE UP and hard work pays off!!!! We have been working very hard for YOU!!!Be looking for me on Radio Tour shortly and I’m looking forward to sharing my music with the world. xo, Liz
Thanks Windmills
The Voice Promo
Liz Davis – Before He Cheats