Two milestones to report this fine monday morning. Danielle Bradbery’s second single “Young in America” makes its debut onto the Country chart at 50. Over on X-Factor, UK franchise’s Cher Lloyd is teaming up with US franchise’s judge Demi Lovato. Their “Really Don’t Care” has popped on Pop. It debuted last week at 49 and moved into the top 40 this week.
Daughtry’s debut single from their fourth album returns to the top 20 on AC.
Cassadee Pope:
“I Wish I Could Break Your Heart”: ^36 Country (40)
Cher Lloyd
“Sirens”: 45 Pop (46)
f. “Really Don’t Care” by Demi Lovato: ^38 Pop (49)
Danielle Bradbery:
“Young in America”: ^50 Country (55)
Danny Gokey:
“Hope in Front of Me”: ^17 CAC (20)
“Battleships”: ^45 HAC (46)
“Waiting for Superman”: ^20 AC (21)
Jennifer Hudson:
“Walk it Out”: ^24 UAC (24); ^43 Urban (45)
“Back to You”: ^11 CAC (14)
One Direction:
“Story of My Life”: ^5 AC (5)
“You & I”: ^24 Pop (24); ^32 HAC (34)
Phillip Phillips:
“Raging Fire”: ^7 HAC (8); ^6 AAA (6); ^18 AC (19)
Scotty McCreery
“Feelin’ It” ^41 Country (44)
Swon Brothers:
“Later On”: ^23 Country (25)
Note: Numbers indicate position on the chart while numbers in brackets indicate the position on the chart the previous week. The “^” (aka “a bullet”) indicates that a song gained spins since last week.
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June 16: HAC: Jacquie Lee: “Broken Ones”
This is the daily numbers thread for Monday. Stats collected on Monday morning.