I love you guys! So much, that I stood for 2 hours at the buses waiting for the Idols to arrive. Not that meeting the Idols isn’t exciting. It’s pretty cool. I’m just a very impatient person who become easily bored. I’d never have the motivation to make my way early to a venue, and then wait in the hot sun just to catch a picture or two of some peeps who’ve been on my TV.
Lucky for me, had some ultra cool peeps to wait on line with. There was Liz from the Michaeljohnsonline street team. And the two high school juniors who stood next to me – Liz and Katy (Jason and Archie fans respectively) and the beautifully bedazzeled (nicely done t-shirts!) Kristy Lee and Archie fans who were standing behind me. The buses pulled up around 2 pm and the Idols came out about 15 minutes later. I got a chance to see: David Cook, David Archuleta, Kristy Lee Cook, Brooke White and Michael Johns. As I was leaving, I heard huge screams from the crowd. I’m guessing Jason finally came out, but I can’t be sure.
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More recap and COOKIE VIDEOS after the Jump…
Kristy Lee came past me first. She was on speed sign, and I have a feeling she had some thing to do, because she was able to spend more time with the crowd when I met the buses in Chicago. David Cook started at the opposite end of the line. As he walked passed me, a scream went up and he just laughed and shook his head a little, like he still can’t believe the reaction. Brooke started at the opposite end of the line and she and Cookie crossed paths right in front of me. They switched hats (he had a Royals hat on, she had on a straw hat) and then switched again. There really should be such as thing as too cute to be legal. And then Archie should get arrested. Just kidding. He’s adorable. Michael came out last, and kept signing–quickly!–even though it was beginning to rain.
Cookie made his way down the line very slowly. He was very relaxed and friendly with the crowd. You’ll see him say “Of course” and go under the yellow caution strip at the end of one of the videos posted here–to meet a fan who was sitting in a wheelchair. Fans stepped back to make room for him, so that he could accommodate her request. For the teens standing next to me, Cook stuck a sharpie up his nose to take a picture for her mom. Ha ha. I asked him a lame question about the Red Sox, and he said his loyalty to the Royals meant that he was NOT a Yankees fan. Right answer!
Archie was all smiles and giggles as he made his way down the line of people. One gift he received was an orange teddy bear, which he handed to a burly security guard–who looked pretty funny standing there holding a Teddy Bear. As Archie passed by me, I said, “Crush! Tuesday! Are you excited??” and he said, “Yes! I’m very excited!”
A fan asked Michael Johns about backstage passes, and he said, “We can’t give them out any more. Somebody got back stage and ruined it for everyone…they want it just for friends and family.” Hm.
Cookie drinks a bottle of water – Excitement!
Cookie wants to be a Jonas Brother! David Jonas! New name of album: Bonus Jonas!