Kris Allen on Live Like We’re Dying: “We kind of just fell in love with it. Everyone did.” Plus, it Hits iTunes 09/29

2nd update: Right after his Z100 thing, Kris interviewed with the morning crew at WPLJ. He told them his favorite song on the album is one he wrote called “I Need to Know:

Kris Allen – WPLJ

UPDATE: Jim Cantiello   twitters: @jambajim Jive told me today Live Like We’re Dying will hit iTunes NEXT Tues. Also, Extra was at Z-100 w/ Kris today. Set your TiVos 4 tonite!

Jim Cantiello of MTV news interviewed Kris Allen this morning after the Idol winner debuted his new record, “Live Like We’re Dying” on the Z100 Elvis Duran radio show. Kris told MTV that everybody on the team fell in love with the song after they heard it back in May.

The strummy, sing-songy tune had apparently been earmarked as a single for Kris since he began working on his post-“Idol” album back in May. Allen told MTV News, “[The song] was actually one that we had listened to really early on, and we kind of just fell in love with it. Everyone did.”

Also, “Live Like We’re Dying” producers, Andrew Frampton and Steve Kipner, co-wrote and produced the Natasha Bedingfield hit ALBUM, “Unwritten”. Kris is working with “a couple different producers” on his upcoming album–due to drop 11/17–including the Frampton and Kipner duo. “I’m actually going to London to work with them again, ” says Kris.

Read more at MTV.


About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!