Remember when Filipino singer, and Glee star, Charice, came out a a lesbian last year? At the time, the singer broke down and apologized to disappointed family and fans. After mom expressed disapproval, Charice moved out of the family home. Major ironic twist: It came to light that mom was also a lesbian, but married a man and started a family, at her own mother’s urging.
Now, Charice may have an even bigger announcement. The singer updates fans in a new interview with Oprah Winfrey on the OWN network series, Where Are They Now? In this short teaser, Oprah asks if the singer is “transitioning.” In other words, is Charice transgender–in the process of becoming a male?
Of course, it could be just a sensational hook that will result in a NO answer from Charice. Just because the singer is sporting a boyish look these days does not mean Charice wants to transition. That seems like a pretty dumb assumption. If it turns out Charice is transgender–ain’t nothing wrong wrong with that.
To find out the answers to Oprah’s burning questions, tune into Where Are They Now, when it airs on the OWN network, Sunday, October 19.