‘X Factor’s’ Drew Ryniewicz on Justin Bieber: ‘He Smelled Delicious’
After the episode, Drew was still pinching herself, telling the Hollywood Reporter that until she saw Bieber in the flesh, no amount of web rumors would suffice. “It’s amazing how, for some reason, people on the internet and on Twitter and Facebook find out stuff before I do,” she exclaimed. “They were talking about Justin Bieber for the longest time and I was, like, ‘He’s not gonna be there.’ Then, I walk in the room and Scooter [Braun, Bieber’s manager] is saying, ‘You’re gonna be singing with Justin.’ A few minutes later, I literally get on stage and I’m hugging Justin Bieber. Like, what?!”
Read more at the Hollywood Reporter
X Factor’s LeRoy Bell on Why He Peformed Only Cover Tunes, and His Unlikely J.Lo Connection
LeRoy Bell may not have gotten the chance to play original material during his eighth-place run on Season 1 of The X Factor, but if you’ve ever taken an end-of-the-work-week road trip with the radio blasting, you may have heard his 1979 hit, “Livin’ It Up Friday Night.” We caught up with Bell to discuss the way X Factor obsessed over his status as the world’s hottest 60-year-old, what we didn’t see during his televised audition, and his tenuous connection to American Idol judge Jennifer Lopez.
Read more at TV Line
‘X Factor’s’ L.A. Reid on Josh Krajcik: ‘I Actually Thought He’d Win’ (Video)
Music executive and Fox’s The X Factor judge L.A. Reid not only had to watch his protégé, Chris Rene, take third, but he also a lost a bet he made with Simon Cowell, which will find L.A. parting with $10,000. But, he is at peace with the loss.
As an executive at Epic Records, it’s L.A.’s business to spot talent and help mold them. It’s no different with the three finalists. And he definitely believes he would know what to do with winner Melanie Amaro, who he says America got right in choosing as the show’s winner.
See the video at Hollywood Reporter
‘X Factor’s’ Steve Jones on the Viewer Criticism: ‘It Shocked Me’ (Video)
“[I was] naïve in the sense that I’ve never done what I do on this scale,” he explains to reporters after Thursday’s finale. “And maybe, I didn’t realize the level of the criticism that people go through when they’re working at this level. It shocked me a little bit. It didn’t particularly upset me, I suppose. It shocked me, I was naïve coming into it.”
See the video at Hollywood Reporter
Taylor Hicks Holiday Greetings
Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen Holiday Greetings
Xmas Eve with the Koskinens! Just had a huge traditional Finnish feast and now opening gifts! Merry and bright! Hyvää ja rauhallista joulua!