Daughtry performs on The Ellen Degeneres Show
David Archuleta has a slew of satellite TV interviews today. Check out the schedule at his Website.
Scotty McCreery talks about Thanksgiving and the Macy’s Tree Lighting at Lenox
In the morning, he’ll perform at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City, then fly to Atlanta for the Macy’s Great Tree Lighting at Lenox Square Mall in the evening to sing George Strait’s “Christmas Cookies,” the hymn “Mary, Did You Know?” and the Burl Ives classic “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas.”
Read more at the AJC
Debut CD Fills James Durbin with Emotion
“You know if it wasn’t for Mick Mars, Motley Crue would never be what it is,” said Durbin. “His riffs and just the way that he plays just makes those songs and makes them what they are and makes them so memorable.”
Mars and Durbin co-wrote the song “Outcast,” which also features Mars on guitar.
See the video at My Fox Houston
Fans swarm around James Durbin as he signs his debut album
SANTA CRUZ — We don’t know where to send Father of the Year nominations, but somebody needs to launch a campaign right now for Ray Nafez.
Among the 500 or so people who lined up to see James Durbin at Streetlight Records in Santa Cruz on Monday, Mr. Nafez, and his 11-year-old daughter Lily were the very first in the queue. They had parked themselves at the back door at Streetlight at 7 a.m. for an event scheduled at 4:30 p.m.
Oh, and the kicker? They came to see Durbin from their hometown of … SAN DIEGO!
“Yep,” said father Ray, “it was nine hours on the road exactly.”
Read more at Mercury News
Jordin Sparkles! American Idol shows off slender silhouette as she continues to shrink
Jordin Sparks appears to have shared diet tips with Jennifer Hudson.
Not only did both girls capture the hearts of the public on American Idol, but they’ve also both mastered the art of shrinking.
Sparks, who won the reality show in 2006, showcased a slender silhouette last night wearing a figure-hugging dress that clung to her curves.
See the photos at the Daily Mail
David Archuleta home for holidays, signing books
SALT LAKE CITY — David Archuelta has come home for the holidays and is taking time to sign some autographs for his hometown fans. Last Christmas, Archuleta was the guest performer for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s Christmas concerts.
This year the DVD and CD of the performance are available and he will be at Deseret Book’s downtown store following the annual lighting of Temple Square.
“I don’t think there’s anything like Christmas music, really, because it’s something that so many people are willing to listen to and take in,” Archuelta said. “They all the feeling that they feel to come in and it’s just in the air. It’s just everywhere and I love that.”
Read more at KSL.com
Jennifer Hudson slams split rumors
Despite tabloid reports of a split between Jennifer Hudson and fiance David Otunga, the singer told Access Hollywood that their wedding is still on.
“We’re going to get married,” Jennifer told Access guest correspondent Tim Vincent at Sunday’s American Music Awards.
“I know they said we had broken up. We’re never broken up,” the 30-year-old singer said of David, 31, who she’s been engaged to since September 2008.
The Oscar winner said distance is to blame for their nuptials being put on hold.
Read more at MSNBC.com
How Much Did Jennifer Lopez Get Paid to Dance With a Car?
Marketing and product placement experts call this sort of relationship a “fully integrated campaign,” where the star times her projects around the brand, and the brand times its rollouts around the star’s projects.
In this case, Lopez, who earns a reported $25 million a year, could easily have commanded a seven figure sum, says Amy Tunick president of Alliance, the entertainment marketing division of Grey New York.
And good for Lopez, marketers tell me.
Read more at EOnline
Paula Abdul Talks The X Factor
Los Angeles – The first season of “The X Factor” has been tough for Paula Abdul… since the show began counting votes; the judge/mentor has lost all of her groups except for Lakoda Rayne.
On Monday, Paula stopped by the GDLA studio and talked about being an X Factor judge… her losing streak… and working with Simon again.
See the Video at MyFoxLA
‘X Factor’ Exclusive: Simon Cowell ‘Felt Sorry’ For Astro
“I gotta say, on the night, I was really annoyed, and not for anything else other than for him,” the judge said. “And then I watched it back that night, and then I felt sorry for him.”
While Cowell admitted that he felt “a bit” bad that he came down so hard on the pint-size MC after the broadcast, he explained that it was necessary because “everyone at home was thinking that.”
“I think if I had been light on him, I think it would have been worse for him because I think it made him aware of how he was coming across,” he continued.
Read more at MTV.com
Does ‘Dancing’ need a complete ballroom reboot?
The “Dancing With the Stars” finals are at hand, and that means soon, one hoofer hopeful will be named the best of the ballroom beginners and waltz away with the sparkling mirror ball trophy.
It also means that the 13th season of the show will come to an end. And oh, what a season it’s been, chock-full of higher than usual tensions and lower than usual ratings.
Blame the bickering. Blame the reality TV stars. Blame the judges (and then some). The truth is this isn’t the first time the show’s missed the mark. “Dancing” has had its share of ups and downs. But in the past, despite any amount of below B-list talent, grumbling judges or pestered pros, the cheesy, spray-tanned ballroom bash remained fun.
Read more at MSN.com