Idol Headlines for 10/10/09

Adam Lambert’s ‘Time for Miracles’: 29-second leak may cause sweating, palpatations

As an Idoloonie, the fallow period from June-December has traditionally been a time for ennui, heartbreak, and disappointment. Year after year, we invest ourselves knee-deep in the hoopla (God help me for using that phrase) of taking back the power from short-sighted record labels and forcing them to sign artists who don’t need no stinkin’ autotune. After the confetti falls, though, even in the best of scenarios, we maybe get to witness one or two stops on the Idol summer tour, wallow in the realization that not all of our favorites are getting major-label deals (#signmattgiraud, bitches!), and then brace ourselves for the inevitable sad trombone of songs like Bo Bice’s ‘The Real Thing, ‘  which have none of the verve or personality or power of the upstart singers we fell in love with on Fox’s ubiquitous talent search.

Entertainment Weekly

Paula Abdul Gears Up for a Second Hilarious Spot on Lifetime’s Latest Hit, Drop Dead Diva

Abdul returns with all the glitz and glitter on Sunday, October 11, 2009. Josh Berman, creator of Drop Dead Diva, and Abdul have flirted with the idea of making this glamorous executor of justice a recurring role for next season. After a wildly successful first season, fans will be anxiously awaiting what lies ahead for the Diva characters and Abdul for the next installment.

More Idol Headlines after the JUMP…


Kelly Clarkson may be the original “American Idol, ” but to the pop-rock singer’s credit, she started moving away from the specter of the show with “My December, ” released in 2007.

The earthy Texan proved she isn’t an industry automaton. She defied powerful record mogul Clive Davis, who wanted a pop disc, by rocking out on gothic tracks. While Davis complained about the lack of catchy tunes, Clarkson obviously reveled in a straightforward disc without hooks.

Anthony Fedorov, Jennifer Paz, et al. Set for 5th Avenue’s Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Complete casting has been announced for in the 5th Avenue Theatre production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, to run October 10-November 1. James Rocco will direct the production.

The show will star American Idol finalist Anthony Federov as Joseph, Jennifer Paz as the Narrator, and Billy Joe Huels as Pharoah. The cast includes Richard Gray (Potiphar), Hugh Hastings (Jacob), David Alewine (Issachar), Logan Benedict (Simeon), Mo Brady (Zebulun), Gabriel Corey (Benjamin), Marc Dela Cruz (Gad), Michael Dela Cruz (Judah), Ben Gonio (Dan), Brandon O’Neill (Asher), Daniel C. Levine (Napthali), Troy L. Wageman (Levi), and Dane Stokinger (Rueben).

Theater Mania

Blake Lewis: The Ear Candy interview

Earlier this week I sat down and chatted with American Idol Season Six runner-up Blake Lewis. It was the release date of his second record “Heartbreak On Vinyl” and we talked about his new dancefloor-friendly album, his friendships with members of the local hip hop community, his tour plans, how he almost lost his voice (the guy was bleeding from his vocal chords) and more.

In full disclosure, I worked with Blake at Circuit City about 10 years ago where we sold home audio equipment (“I went from selling home audio to selling my own audio, ” Blake told me.). There is passing reference to our speaker-slinging days throughout the interview. Below is the first part of the interview. The second half will be posted next week along with some additional words about Blake.

X Factor: Simon Cowell battles the flu ahead of tonight’s live show while Robbie Williams makes the contestants cry

With the first live show and Robbie Williams mentoring the contestants, this weekend is not the time for Simon Cowell to be ill.

The music mogul is bravely battling the lurgy and has been attempting to ward off the flu with maximum-strength cold and flu tablets.

He was pictured leaving rehearsals in Wembley yesterday carrying Beecham’s Ultra All-In-One capsules and another box of tablets.


Simon Cowell is launching a cologne: What should he call it?

simon-cowell-fragrance_lSimon Cowell (along with his fellow X-Factor judges) is getting his own cologne, and my guess is it’s going to smell like new money, chest hair, and the Righteous Brothers’ ‘Unchained Melody.’  Granted, the man has managed to get America to go bananas for Leona Lewis and Susan Boyle, but those products have some commercial viability all their own. A Cowell fragrance? I’m not so sure we’re ready for that jelly on this side of the pond. Not without a careful marketing and advertising campaign anyway.

Entertainment Weekly

Dance winner Jeanine Mason hits Long Island

As a young girl, Jeanine Mason didn’t think she could dance, but she sure has come a long way. Persevering in her craft at her mother’s urging, she was chosen by Season 5 viewers of “So You Think You Can Dance” as America’s Favorite Dancer. “I felt when I was little I was never the greatest dancer, ” says Mason, “but I always had this passion.”

Mason and the rest of Season 5’s top 12 dancers bring their ardor to Nassau Coliseum on Wednesday. We spoke with the enthusiastic and very grounded 18-year-old about the show and her other passions.

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!