Glee Season 6 Episode 8 Recap – A Wedding – Performance Videos

Glee Season 6 Episode 8 Recap - A Wedding - Santana (Naya Rivera, R) and Brittany (Heather Morris, L) tie the knot in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE

Glee Season 6 Episode 8 Recap – A Wedding – Performance Videos

Tonight was the big Brittany/Santana wedding episode.  But there was more! A plot twist, that was basically the worst kept secret EVER. Kurt and Blaine get married too.

Once again, Sue Sylvester is the catalyst that brings everyone together, and again, she sorta represents a Glee fan’s point of view.  Santana doesn’t want Sue at the wedding, even after she confesses that her feelings are hurt. Not even after Brittany reminds Santana that it was Sue that brought them together via the Cheerios.  Sue shows up anyway, with a peace offering for Santana. And it’s a doozy.  A few days earlier, Sue paid a visit to Santana’s Abuela and convinced her to step back into her granddaughter’s life. Using “reverse Sue-cology” she asked Abuela, as a religious person, if she believed her granddaughter and girlfriend should be stoned to death like in the Bible, or maybe jailed like they do in Russia. Or maybe they could picket the ceremony Westboro style. A horrified Abuela decides that it’s better to be a lover than a hater and arrives at the wedding with Sue. She still believes that same sex couples shouldn’t marry, but family is the most important thing, above all. When Santana and Abuela finally make peace, it’s beautiful.

Kurt and Blaine are encouraged by Burt and Carole to make the most out of their time together, and to never say no to love.  When Kurt calls their decision to marry “young and foolish,” Burt reminds them that nobody is ever really “ready” for anything!  The losses they have endured–including losing Finn, taught them both to wring every last moment out of life. You’ll make mistakes, but that’s OK.  But it takes Sue and one of her crazy schemes to convince Kurt and Blaine to take the ultimate plunge and join the wedding party.

Last week, Blaine ran to Kurt, through the halls of McKinley, so he could tell him that he loved him. But when Blaine finally found  Kurt, he was just leaving with his older boyfriend, Walter– off on a double date with Rachel and Sam.  Blaine had just broken up amicably with Karofsky after realizing that Kurt was the love of his life.

But this week, it was Kurt who went running to Blaine. Literally, running like a gazelle toward the apartment where Blaine was packing his boxes, getting ready to move out of the space he previously shared with Karofsky.  Kurt bursts into the apartment and wastes NO time telling Blaine that he still loves him. Everything was completely messed up before, but everything is fine now, Kurt says breathlessly. He asks Blaine to go to the wedding with him…unless there is someone else.  “There’s no one else,” says Blaine, before kissing Kurt passionately.

The reunion is cut beautifully with a scene of Kurt at the Lima Bean telling Walter that he’s back with Blaine and won’t be taking him to the wedding. Walter, who has been around the block a few times at 50 somethingsomething pretty much saw that coming.  He’s not mad. But he is a little jealous, because Kurt is at the beginning of his journey. Walter wishes he hadn’t wasted so much time pretending he was somebody he wasn’t.  “You’re lucky Kurt. Go be lucky,” Walter says before the scene cuts to Kurt, running, running toward his destiny.  “And whatever happens,  even if you get hurt again, just remember, the only thing worth doing, is going toward love…”  I’m going to miss Walter. He was a cool guy.

Again, it’s adults telling kids that it’s OK to make mistakes, it’s OK to take chances. It’s better to love than to never have loved at all.  Beautifully edited, lit and acted, by everyone involved (including Harry Hamlin, who played Walter) The Klaine reunion was my favorite scene in the episode.

In the run up to the wedding, Brittany is a basket case. The event is takes place in an Indiana barn because a) Same sex marriage is legal in Indiana. b) It is not in Ohio. c) Brittany’s mom  thought it would be an awesome idea to have the wedding at the spot where she thought she was pooping after eating too much apple butter, but popped out Brittany instead. As Santana’s mom says. “That story is insane.”  Artie has done a beautiful job as wedding planner–designing the barn space where the gang has assembled to decorate. Between Tina bitching about having to work (still being written as an insufferable pita) and Brittany spazzing out, things get a little tense.  After Martina Navratilova declines Britt’s invitation to officiate, she’s left with no one.  Kurt suggests that his Dad do the honors. Not sure why. Because he’s a congressman? Is he still a congressman? Whatever.  Despite not exactly remembering who Burt is, Brittany agrees.

They go off with Rachel, Mercedes and Tina to look at wedding frocks. There’s a montage of the girls modeling a slew of GORGEOUS dresses that is a feast for the eyes. They are careful to come out separately because  Brittany is completely paranoid about seeing each other in their dresses before the wedding. It’s bad luck, don’t you know. Santana accidently sees Britt in her perfect dress (maybe they should have shopped separately?) precipitating  a mini-meltdown.  Before the ceremony, Santana purposely walks in on Brittany getting ready for the wedding. Santana wants to prove to her that their love is bigger than some silly superstition. In any case, old wives tales sure are dumb. Santana makes up a new rule. It’s totally good luck to share a hot kiss with your bride-to-be before the ceremony.

After Santana calms Britt down, and has her emotional reunion with Abuela, it’s time to work on Kurt and Blaine. Santana is so grateful to Sue for interceding with grandma, that she asks her to stay for the wedding.  As it happens, Sue and Brittany were cooking up a plot. When Sue lures a suspicious Kurt and Blaine to a “Brittany emergency” they find cardboard cutouts of themselves dressed in pretty dark tuxes.  Sue and Brittany attempt to persuade Kurt and Blaine to jump in on the wedding action.  Because, Sue is an invested Klaine stan (and a stand in for all you fans out there who have been waiting for this moment).  But for Brittany? She confesses to looking up to them as a role model couple in high school. When they broke up, her dream had died. She wants it back!

Kurt is hesitant, Blaine not so much. When Kurt insists Santana would never allow them to crash her wedding, she pops into the room to refute that statement. She could never deny her bride a wish on her wedding day. She’s the Godfather of weddings. Look. Sue has even brought the rings!

Kurt thinks it’s crazy.  But Blaine is torn. He’s taken what Burt and Carole said earlier to heart.  He holds Kurt’s hands, tells him he loves him…it’s crazy…so CRAZY…and… Will the boys take the jump?  Will they give America what at least 52% will legally tolerate? Of course they will! Cut to the ceremony. There they are. Suited up and walking down the aisle. The Big Gay Double Wedding is on, much to EVERYONE’S surprise.

At Last – Artie and Mercedes

As the couples walk down the aisle.

The couples take turns exchanging heartfelt vows. “I am a work in progress” each of them says.  All the heartache is worth the chance to be together.  “You don’t ask me to come out of the shadows,” says Kurt to Blaine, “You help me rip away anything that’s blocking the sun. It’s time for all of us to walk into the sunshine together, forever.”  Kurt adds, “Is that something you want to do?” And they all answer, “I do.”  The message seems to be “Young love is crazy! But it’s worth the risk.”

Burt declares the couples married, “under a God who for sure, if he believes in love, fully endorses the loving marriages of these two wonderful couples.”

The Wedding Vows

This is the spot where I’m supposed to feel all warm and fuzzy, but I don’t exactly.  Kurt and Blaine had another bad break up and were apart for months. Blaine was living with Kurt’s old nemesis, which broke Kurt’s heart at first, until he moved on.  But then in the space of about a minute, Kurt and Blaine are back together. And then, in the next minute, they’re married. The payoff feels hollow without the stuff that’s supposed to happen in between. It’s hard to believe in a pairing that’s been so poorly executed.

For me, the evolution of Santana and Brittany’s relationship seemed reasonable in a way Kurt and Blaine’s didn’t. They broke up when Santana left for college, because, distance.  But they eventually found their way back to each other after mid-game relationships and separate life experiences. I wasn’t particularly invested in them getting married, but the union makes some sense.

I get it. Glee is trafficking in fantasy here. But would the answer to your dreams have been marrying your high school sweetheart? There are so many wishes to fulfill first. I really want to see these kids find happiness on their own terms, and for themselves. Coupling is beautiful, but it’s not the be all to end all. I enjoy a romantic TV pairing as much as the next guy, but shipping kind of took over Glee and ruined it.

One Glee couple NOT getting married is Mike and Tina. Yes. Yet ANOTHER Glee character proposes to her high school sweetheart. Tina and Mike have become friends again. They text each other constantly!  Maybe swept up by all the romance around her, Tina decides to propose to Mike. She gathers her boys, Artie, Puck and Blaine to ask what they think. Still high off of his romantic reunion with Kurt, Blaine is the only one of the three to enthusiastically endorse the idea. When she manages a moment alone with Mike at the wedding, Tina gets down on one knee and whips out a ring box.  In the only reasonable reaction to a proposal on this damn show, Mike gently lets Tina down.  He tells her he loves her, and that he cherishes their young love, but he can’t marry her.  She was his first love, but they have their whole lives ahead of them. Who knows what will come in even a year? OMG STOP MAKING SENSE MIKE.

In a scene that comes late in the episode, Tina and Artie recreate their Tuesday afternoon lunches in the empty choir room.  Artie thought proposing was a bad idea, but he’s sympathetic. He reminds Tina that SHE broke up with HIM after getting together with Mike at Asian summer camp.  He proposes that if they are both unmarried by the time they are 30 they will marry each other.  Backup fiancé! That makes Tina smile. Such a sweet scene.

After the ceremony, it’s time to dance! The musical number, “Hey Ya,”  gives Kevin McHale another reason to sing! And Heather Morris and Harry Shum Jr. an excuse to dance. I’m not mad. Not at all.

Hey Ya

It’s the reception. Time to party!

The Moms embarrass and delight their kids with a performance of “I’m So Excited.” Finally, we get that solo from Gloria Estefan the show has been promising. The best part is the reunion of the TroubleTones: Sugar, Mercedes, Brittany and Santana. YAY.

I’m So Excited

The moms dance.

Kurt and Blaine, Brittany and Santana sing “Our Day Will Come” as a couples dance. The most hilarious and oddly touching pairing: Sheldon and Sue swaying to the music in each other’s arms. Besties forever. Rachel hesitates to step out onto the floor with Sam. That is, until Carole catches her eye and nods her approval.  During the dance, they switch off–Rachel dances with Burt, Carole with Sam.

Our Day Will Come

The Couples Dance

Rachel didn’t figure much into this episode, but that tiny moment was significant for her. Earlier, Mercedes had to convince Rachel to sit next to Sam at the reception, reminding her that both Burt and Carole moved on after losing spouses.  But it wasn’t until that nod from Carole that Rachel finally felt OK moving on after losing Finn.

Seating Arrangements from “A Wedding”

The last scene takes place in the auditorium, where Sue hands out special honeymoon packages to the newly married couples.  She can’t help but think of them as her kids! She gifts the AnderHummels with a trip to Provincetown to stay in Andrew Sullivan’s cabana, while the LoPierces get to spend a month in the Bahamas.  She walks away, imaging some new “shipper fodder” to bring together. Puckcedes? Faberry? “I can’t get enough of the lesbians,” she says. Sue has been so nice the last couple of weeks. You know that’s not going to last.

A few extra thoughts:

  • Tina, Mercedes and Rachel are pretty in pink as the bridesmaids. Will, Puck, Sam, and Artie are groomsmen. The new kids and Kitty are milling about, but don’t really have much to do, unfortunately. That barn wedding was GORGEOUS.
  • Giggled when Kurt and Blaine took that photo with a pitchfork reminiscent of the famous “American Gothic” painting.
  • THE RETURN OF SUGAR MOTTA! That is all. She was one of my favs. I was so bummed when the show didn’t bring her back for season 5.
  • Brittany sure is cute as the nervous bride, though. At one point, she totally freaks Rachel out by bringing a chicken into the choir room, announcing she would be sacrificing it to counteract her bad luck.
  • I looked it up. Couples need to make a stop at the clerk’s office before getting married in Indiana. It can happen on the same day. But still. CLERK’S OFFICE.
  • Santana gives each wedding guest a ball cap emblazoned with the initials “OTP.” That’s fan speak for One True Pairing. A little nod to the shippers!
  • Ken Jeong and Jennifer Coolidge, as Brittany’s parents, were super annoying.
  • Blaine’s mom? What the hell? She just randomly shows up at the wedding of her kid’s friends. Please explain why she’s meeting Burt and Carole for the first time? She barely has a word of dialogue. She gets drunk, hits on Puck and performs with the moms in “I’m So Excited.” The end. Surely, the scene where Sue and Brittany scheme to get her at the wedding was cut. As was the heartfelt one and one with her son. As it stood, the presence of the character, played by Gina Gershon, made NO sense.  Fans who wanted more backstory on Blaine before the series ended couldn’t be satisfied with THAT.

Read More:

Glee Season 6 Songs! Listen to FULL AUDIO Streams From “A Wedding” Episode 8
Glee Season 6 Spoilers: Plot Details “A Wedding” Episode 8
Glee Season 6 Spoilers: Plot Details “Child Star” Episode 9 airing Feb 27
Glee Season 6 Spoilers – A Look At What’s Ahead (Updated: 2/20)

Photo Gallery

  • GLEE: Santana (Naya Rivera, R) and Brittany (Heather Morris, L) tie the knot in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: Rachel (Lea Michele) watches the Santana and Brittany try on wedding dresses in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Mike Yarish/FOX
  • GLEE: Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz, L), Sam (Chord Overstreet, second from L), Kitty (Becca Tobin, third from L) and Mercedes (Amber Riley, R) take a selfie at Brittany and Santana's wedding in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: Gloria Estefan guest-stars as Santana's mother in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: Sue (Jane Lynch, R) attends Brittany and Santana's wedding in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: Rachel (Lea Michel, L) and Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz, R) are bridesmaids in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: The groomsmen celebrate Brittany and Santana in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Pictured L-R: Mark Salling, Kevin McHale, Harry Shum Jr., Matthew Morrison and Chord Overstreet. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: Santana (Naya Rivera, R) and Brittany (Heather Morris, L) tie the knot in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: The ladies perform in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: Jennifer Coolidge guest stars as Brittany's mother in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: Ken Jeong guest stars in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: Ken Jeong guest stars (third from L) in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: The ladies perform in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Pictured L-R: Romy Rosemont, Jennifer Coolidge, Gloria Estefan and Gina Gershon. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: The ladies perform in the "Wedding" episode of GLEE airing Friday, Feb. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Pictured L-R Back Row: Romy Rosemont, Jennifer Coolidge, Gloria Estefan and Gina Gershon. Front Row L-R: Naya Rivera, Vanessa Lengies, Amber Riley and Heather Morris. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!