Check out this new still from the Glee “Thanksgiving” episode, airing on November 29.
In this scene, the graduates, including Finn, Quinn, Puck, Mercedes, Mike and Santana return to Ohio to sing a mashup of Simon and Garfunkle’s “Homeward Bound” and Phillip Phillip’s “Home”!
Kurt and Rachel will spend Thanksgiving in New York City giving thanks with new friends.
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Glee Season 4 – Dynamic Duets – Song Previews and Spoilers
Glee Season 4 Spoilers: Glease, Dynamic Duets, Thanksgiving, Glee Actually
Glee The Music Season 4 Featuring Songs From Phillip Phillips and Kelly Clarkson
Check out more NEW photos from Glee’s remaining episodes before the Christmas hiatus.
Glee 4×07 Dynamic Duos – 11/22
Glee 4×08 – Thanksgiving – 11/29
Glee 4×09 – Swan Song – 12/6 – Kurt begs Carmen (Whoopi Goldberg) for another chance to audition at NYADA. Rachel performs at the NYADA winter showcase, a tradition for 1st year students.
Glee 4×10 – Glee Actually – This is the Glee Christmas special. Lea Michele, Dean Geyer, Chris Colfer and Darren Criss are shooting scenes for the episode in New York City. – 12/13