Nick says Carrie Ann has been tough on him since the start but he is happy about that. He has had a busy week so he has been trying to get as much information on the Paso Doble as possible. He wants to be better so he can earn a perfect soul, as opposed to them just giving it to him. Well, this is surprisingly messy. I don’t know if Sharna put too much into the routine but the beginning of this is showing Nick at his weakest with his feet. The Argentine Tango needs to look sharp. Besides the difficulty of the lifts and all, you have to make these steps look seamless while still being vibrant and exciting. Once the duo come off the smaller stage and onto the ballroom, things improve a bit. I commend Nick’s gumption in this dance (he is totally into it) but this is definitely one of his weaker overall routines.

DWTS 21 Week 7 Live Blog and Performance Videos

Julianne loves Nick’s attitude. She thinks the sharp movements of the routine were rather clunky and his booty was out, so he needs to work on that. He was missing the dynamic. Bruno agrees and thought it looked too much like a Paso Doble. Carrie Ann thought Nick was nervous on the first half but was sexy on the second. She agrees some of it was sloppy but she thinks he improved on her notes from last week.
Carrie Ann- 8
Julianne- 8
Bruno- 8
Total: 24/30
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