Witney is from Utah. Witney talks about her friends, Jenna and Lindsay and how they would all dream of being on the show. Carlos is tired during rehearsal. They can’t believe how much they have to do this week. This is what I meant last night by Witney doing a bit more with the choreography to have Carlos do a routine that stands out. This is a fun cha cha cha. Some crisp movements and nice latin steps. Carlos is keeping up nicely with Witney, who is like a cha cha cha machine in this. I think Carlos & Witney have one of the best connections out of the couples dancing. They really seem to fit one another perfectly. Good dance.

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Bruno loved it. He wants Carlos to be careful of looking like he squatting and he missed a couple of steps. Carrie Ann was not impressed tonight. She thinks Carlos is fantastic but he shortened his swagger. Julianne says Carlos has style and swagger. Julianne says the squatting is because his legs were really bent.
Carrie Ann- 7
Julianne- 7
Bruno- 7
Total: 21/30