David Archuleta Spring Tour Begins Tonight in Virginia Beach, VA

David Archuleta opens his spring tour in Virginia Beach, Va tonight.   David blogs about getting ready for the tour:

So the last week has basically been me and the new band getting ready for tour. They’re all really fun to work with and really talented. It’s fun just hanging out with them and we have a good time rehearsing, even though it’s a lot of work. When we rehearse, it’s basically just running through all the songs all day long lol. We try to tweak them, and see what we can add to it to make it more fun. It’ll be fun to just get out there and sing, and I think you guys will have fun listening to the new songs from the album! I’m excited to perform them. Some of the songs are really high though, and I have no idea how I hit them… But I manage to lol. When I recorded some of the songs, like Running, Barriers, Crush, A Little Too Not Over You, I was thinking… “How the heck I was going to be able to sing them?!?” But I always managed to somehow haha. And the more you push yourself, (But not in a way you hurt your voice. It’s more like you go for things you were afraid of doing and sing with confidence! haha) you become more comfortable. And the more you practice those scary songs, you find a comfortable place to sing them that you never knew about before. But yeah there’s my little thought for the day I wanted to share I guess.

David’s hit single, “Crush” (the b side is iTunes bonus track, “Somebody Out There)   has just been released in the UK, and he’ll be touring there with McFly beginning in April.   David Archuleta drops in the UK on May 11 and in Japan this week.   Check out the Japanese bonus track “Save the Day”.

Last week, David shot a guest spot for the popular Disney show Hannah Montana, starring Miley Cyrus.   No word yet on when the show will be aired…

About mj santilli 35175 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!