Darren Criss On The Cover of Out – Is Ryan Murphy Pandering to Straight Fangirls?

This week’s Out magazine features Darren Criss on their cover and a story that details the theater geek’s multicultural and gay friendly childhood in San Francisco.  Darren went on to create the Harry Potter parody/musical with his University of Michigan theater pals that almost immediately became a viral sensation. He also worked the LA clubs as a guitar strumming troubadour, adept at flipping Disney and female centric tunes.  And this is all before Darren became a breakout star, playing the out and proud Blaine on Glee.

But the thing that has me pulling this item into it’s own post is Ryan Murphy’s admission that Blaine will question his sexuality on the show, per a recent Michael Ausiello blind item:

Still, all might not be sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows in Lima, Ohio. “It’s my job as showrunner to keep them apart as long as possible, ” says Ryan Murphy. “Blaine will openly question whether bisexuality is real. I think that some people will love that discussion and some will not love it.”

He’s even coy about whether they’ll get together at all. “When that moment comes — if it comes, says Murphy, “I want to treat that relationship like we treat all the other relationships on the show. I want it to be as flawed and as exposed as everyone else’s.”

I 100% think that bisexuality is real, but I can’t shake the feeling here that Murphy is pandering to straight fan girls who pine for a storyline that conforms to their fantasies. In which case? YUCK.

The gay guys I know who flirted with bisexuality did it before they came out. Isn’t that kind of questioning part of coming to terms with one’s sexuality?

If Murphy takes Blaine down this particular path, I hope it’s handled realistically. But, unfortunately, Murphy seems to have no discipline when it comes to crafting credible story lines that make sense. As it is, the story line sounds really stupid.

Update: Michael Ausiello confirms, “The issue of Blaine’s sexuality will be raised in next week’s episode, and in an exclusive interview with TVLine, Murphy cautioned fans to “watch the entire episode” before jumping to any conclusions.”

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!