Once again, Mya and Dmitry, clean up the floor with the other “stars”, making the dance thang look so easy. Mya for the win! But what the hell is wrong with Len and his stupid 7 for a dance that clearly deserved better? Still 27 put them at the top of the leaderboard, where they belong. Olympic swimmer, Nancy Coughlin, who danced a sultry rumba was right behind her at 26.
Aaron Carter was humbled this week by the Rumba, only scoring 21, after leading last week. Donny Osmond, not very convincing playing a hot latin heartthrob, also scored 21.
Low scores of the night went to Michael Ervin at 14. The football player effect will probably save him this week. Probably in danger is Debi Mazur, a hot tamale when she’s lighting up the screen, but on the dance floor? Not so much. She only scored 15, I don’t think her popular partner, Maks can even save her at this point. Tom Delay, who is playing the martyr by dancing on two fractured feet against doctors orders, only scored 15, but he’s going to rake in the pity vote.
Kelly Osbourne, who looked so promising her first week out, is being done in by her insecurities. Her score, 20, was better than last week, but I don’t think she’s going to find confidence in a few short weeks.
Live blog and Videos after the JUMP…
It’s Latin night on Dancing with the Stars! Watch the stars sizzle! Or not.
Oh, Tom Delay may not be able to dance tonight, because he’s got a full-on stress fracture.
Mark Decascos and Lacey Schwimmer ‘ Rumba – Lacey and Mark will perform a slow Rumba, but Mark can’t slow down! Hm. There’s something missing here, can’t put my finger on it. It was hard to keep my eyes off Lacey, who had some great moves. – Len says, “Grumpy’s back…that was a tad on the hard side, it lacked chemistry.” Bruno says, “It was an anti-climatic…too stacato. Carrie Ann says, “Your quality of movement…is there, but you lack connection…uncomforatable to watch.” ‘ Carrie Ann – 6, Len –6, Bruno – 6 – 18 – 1-800-868-3403. – VIDEO
Joanna Kupra and Derek Hough ‘ Samba – Derek decides to throw some tough moves into their routine. Joanna doesn’t look very comfortable in those high, high heels. She’s got the steps down, but she’s not very sensual. And still…her hair…Scary! Bruno says, “The good times are back…work on your strength…very good.” Carrie Ann, “You’re fearless, I thought it was super-sexy.” Len says, “It has quality stamped all over it. ‘ Carrie Ann – 7, Len – 8, Bruno – 8 – 23 – 1-800-868-3415. – VIDEO
Mya and Dmitry Chaplin ‘ Rumba – Finally, some really sensual Latin dancing! The crowd loves it. Mya knows how to get into character. Carrie Ann says, “That was ridiculous, I had chills.” Len says, “Be still my beating heart, chemistry, romance…you need a little bit of simplicity…too many tricks.” Bruno stands up, “FABULOUS” Mya and Dmitry can’t seem to please Len! What’s his problem? I’m beginning to think Len is playing out a pre-fab story arc…hm. Carrie Ann – 10, Len – 7, Bruno – 10 – 27 – 1-800-868-3411. – VIDEO
Melissa Joan Hart and Mark Ballas ‘ Samba – Poor Melissa. I think she really is doing her best, but she’s not a dancer. The latin dances are tough–to work, the dancer needs to let go of inhibitions. Len says, “Parts of that were excellent, you got to get more rhytm going on.” Bruno says, “I knew you could switch it on…you lost timing a couple of times.” Carrie Ann say, “I just don’t believe it when you dance…you have to let go of the fear.” – Carrie Ann – 6, Len 6, Bruno – 7 – 19 – 1-800-868-3410. – VIDEO
Louie Vito and Chelsie Hightower ‘ Rumba – Chelsie admitted in an interview that she might have a little crush on Louis. Wouldn’t they make a cute couple? Louie brushed his hair back. I like it better in his face. Chelsie is doing all the heavy lifting, but who cares? Adorable! Crowd loves it. Bruno says, “That’s chemistry! That’s how to play a girl!” Carrie Ann says, “Your chemistry is unbelievable.” Len says, “I wanted to be nice, it was wild, no finesse, it became hectic, I was disappointed.” – Carrie Ann – 8, Len – 5, Bruno 7 – 21 – 1-800-868-3406. – VIDEO
Debi Mazar and Maksim Chmerkovskiy ‘ Samba – Debi is motivated to NOT be in the bottom 2 this week. ‘ Something just flew off Debi’s head! I don’t know. Debi, the actress, is such a hot ticket. But she has none of that charisma on teh dance floor. Carrie Ann says, “It was a hair safe…when you turn, watch your expressions.” Len says, “What you did, you did well, but it didn’t ignite…it lacked the flavor.” Bruno says, “You went wrong twice…you got to work it.” – Carrie Ann – 6, Len – 5, Bruno 6 – 17. Debi is in trouble. – 1-800-868-3409. – VIDEO
Donny Osmond and Kym Johnson ‘ Rumba ‘ Sorry, but Donny effing Osmond attempting to be the sexy latin lover is cracking me up. Not buying it! The crowd is eating it up, however. Len says, “You should try to straighten your legs…you did a great job.” Bruno says, “It looked pretty.” OMG Donny ran over and kissed Bruno after the judge called his dance “Airy fairy.” “I don’t think they are going to let me back in Utah.” Carrie Ann says, “Very daring to do a solo…a little off in your musicality…there was a genuine vulnerability. Carrie Ann – 7, Len – 7, Bruno – 7 – 21 –1-800-868-3405. – VIDEO
PAULA ABDUL IN THE HOUSE!!! Sitting with Lance Bass. Also in the audience: the gay guys from Modern Family. Tom did a little interview with Paula. She said she would spell Len’s name S-I-M-O-N. – VIDEO
Michael Irvin and Anna Demidova ‘ Samba – Is it just me? The dancers so far, with the exception of Mya have sucked. Michael’s Samba = Total fail. He minced around the dance floor, with a goofy grin on his face. I wouldn’t call it dancing. Bruno says, “No rhythm whatsoever…I don’t know what you were doing.” Carrie Ann says, “You are dancing too small.” Len says, “I’m afraid it was a bit disappointing.” – Carrie Ann –5, Len – 4, Bruno – 5 – 14. OUCH. – 1-800-868-3407. – VIDEO
Natalie Coughlin and Alec Mazo ‘ Rumba – Great Rumba! She said in her video that she was uncomfortable with playing sexy, but she brought it on the dance floor. Carrie Ann says, “It was dramatic, gorgeous, wonderful.” Len says, “Very expressive, good hips, chemistry.” Bruno says, “You’ve gone stratospheric, sexy beast, bring it on girl.” Carrie Ann – 9, Len – 8, Bruno – 9 – 26 – 1-800-868-3413 – VIDEO
Chuck Liddell and Anna Trebunskaya ‘ Samba ‘ Chuck says last week’s Tango came naturally. Really? Holy shit the Desi Arnaz ruffles are a hoot. When is Chuck going home? He better not get overscored this week. He stinks. Len says, “You did a great job with Chuck…you thoroughly entertained me.” Bruno says, “It still is like a Samba from zombie time, but it’s a hit.” Carrie Ann says, “You’ve got the right attitude, it was a lot of fun.” That was not entertaining. Carrie Ann – 6, Len – 5, Bruno – 6 – 17 – 1-800-868-3402 – VIDEO
Aaron Carter and Karina Smirnoff ‘ Rumba – He’s got something on his shirt during rehearsal that’s blurred out. What the hell is he wearing? It looks like a bathrobe. He tripped. Heh. Sorry, I hate this douchebag. Sorry Aaron, you aren’t going to win. Not if you keep dancing like that. Bruno says, “It lacked a little bit of fluidity for me.” Carrie Ann says, “You move beautifully, but you are over exaggerating everything.” Len says, “It lacked musicality…you’re just flinging your arms.” – Carrie Ann – 8, Len – 6, Bruno – 7 – 21 – 1-800’868-3401 – VIDEO
Tom Delay and Cheryl Burke ‘ Samba – Tom is being told to withdraw from the competition by the doctors–he’s got a stress fracture in both feet. But he’s refusing to withdraw. Can’t they force him to withdraw? Argh. The sooner he’s off my TV the better. Maybe he’ll suck so much tonight, he’ll get eliminated. He’s wearing a republican elephant on his fugly shirt. OMG. His pelvic thrusts are burning my retinas. I’m kidding myself. He’s going to get a pile of votes for his “bravery.” Carrie Ann says, “You are easy on the eyes when you dance…but it wasn’t as exciting as it could have been…I give you so much credit.” Len says, “Well done.” Bruno says, “You’re a super trouper…we have to judge based on what we see.” ‘ Carrie Ann – 6, Len – 4, Bruno – 5 – 15 – 1-800-868-3408. – VIDEO
Kelly Osbourne and Louis Van Amstel ‘ Samba – Kelly screwed up last week, and now she’s lost her confidence. This is way better than last week. Kelly and Louis have some real chemistry. Not exactly sexy, but very engaging! Len says, “Your problem is confidence…I’m convinced you’re a good dance.” Bruno says, “Compared to last week, you’re back…just forget about doubt.” Carrie Ann says, “Stay focused, don’t doubt yourself.” Carrie Ann – 7, Len – 6, Bruno – 7 – 20 ‘ 1-800-868-3416. – VIDEO