Chris Sligh – Manchester, NH

Watch Chris Sligh perform Mute Math’s “Typical” Sunday night in Manchester, NH:

What’s next for Chris Sligh?   The answer can be found in a  recent post  on his blog.   Some excerpts:

Right now, I have deal on the table from an indie label that is a 50-50 deal. I’m also looking into starting my own label with major distribution where my cut would obviously be even higher. I also have deals from major labels that are in the works…the question is what’s the best option.


I have the labels still interested. I have indie labels interested. But I might have the possibility to do things a little differently. We’re looking at possibly doing a direct deal with a retail chain that would be exclusive for a short amount of time (3-6 months). The albums would have a very low price point (like $6.99), so I would make similar money to a label deal, but it would help move units. We would do a large amount of albums non-returnable (this is important) to the retail chain and really push to that chain (playing the album in the store, doing in-store appearances, albums by the registers, etc.) At the end of the exclusivity period we would take the album to every retail chain, via major distribution, a la Elliot Yamin. We will have already sold a large amount of albums (the numbers we’re looking at now are between 1-200, 000) with the exclusive deal. This whole time, we would be working to radio, since ultimately singles will sell the record. However, as we go to distribution, we would still keep the price point low (maybe $7.99).

The goal through this is not necessarily to sell records (thought that is how the endgame happens)…it’s to put music in people’s hands to push them to buy concert tickets. The focus would be touring. I am a touring musician. I hope to play 200-250 shows a year over the next few years. Radio is important to moving records. But I think that touring is what will allow me to have a career.

Chris explained it to me just like that at the after party Sunday night.   So glad he’s got a blog–I don’t have to re-explain it, thus sparing what few brain cells I have left…heh.

No doubt, all of this year’s Idols are entering a music industry that’s currently very volatile and in an extreme state of flux.   I don’t doubt that some of them will ink unusual deals outside of the typical label contract.

One last thing.   Regular readers know that I have been a Chris Sligh fan since I found his My Space  back when I leaked some spoilers last December. I stayed a fan once the competition started.   Even after “Endless Love” one might ask?   Of course.   I loved the way Chris reworked that song and STILL maintain it was a great vocal performance.   The iTunes recording is even better.   So, there

Anyway. I think Chris continued to bring it on tour.   Working the big arena stage has definitely helped his stage presence–as has Phil Stacey, who reportedly gave him performance tips.   (Chris told me Phil would talk to him honestly off stage, “Dude, no….” Heh.

Best of luck Chris, and thanks for everything.   You know what I mean.

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!