Chris Colfer Talks Glee, Emmy & Hospital Visits on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Glee star, Chris Colfer dropped by the Tonight Show with Jay Leno to talk about the new season of Glee, and not only did we get Chris and his hilarious stories, but the extra-added bonus of Glee pal, Kristin Chenoweth sitting next to him on the couch!

“You were my first celebrity crush, ” Chris revealed to Kristin at the beginning of the segment. “My how they’ve changed over the years, ” he quipped.  At which point, Jay made a lame joke about cougars. Ugh.  Worst. Interviewer. Ever.

Anyway.  On the Glee set, Chris and Kristin came up with an idea for their own company. They’d be assassins, Chris explained, because nobody would ever suspect them of killing people. Of course they’d have to call themselves “The Sopranos”.  Cute story. But the tale I was hoping Chris would tell happened a few weeks ago at a Glee event. Oh well.  Probably for the best.  Jay’s head probably would have exploded.

Also, under the influence of tequila in London, he convinced everyone around him he was 7th in line for the British throne.

In part 2, there’s a story about landing in the hospital the first week of Glee filming after attempting exotic dancing on a cafeteria table.  The downtown hospital’s ER waiting room was filled with some colorful characters, to say the least.  Also, find out how Emmy nominated Chris feels about his Glee co-star, Jane Lynch, hosting the awards show and who he’ll be taking as his date on his big night.

Part 1

chrisC1-jay by mjsbigblog

Part 2

chrisC2-jay by mjsbigblog

Backstage interview with Chris and Kristin

About mj santilli 35055 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!