Celebrities Give Twitter Thanks! (Idol, Glee, XF, The Voice)

Heck yeah. It’s Thanksgiving.  Hope you all are having a great day. And so do stars from American Idol, Glee, The X Factor, The Voice et. al.! Read their twitter messages below.

Bonus: Adorbs photo of Glee’s Dianna Agron and Darren Criss heading home. Well, trying to anyway…


@ScottyMcCreery: (Scotty McCreery s10 winner) “looking forward to a big thanksgiving dinner at 9 w/ the family at ahotel in Atlanta! different than most years, but thankful were together!”

@Lauren_Alaina (Lauren Alaina s10 runner up) “Happy thanksgiving(: remember to tell everyone you love how thankful you are For them. I love y’all!! Excited for today! #bringonthefood”

@LeeDewyze: (Lee DeWyze s9 winner) “Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!”

@crystalbowersox: (Crystal Bowersox s9 runner up) “Happy thanksgiving, everyone! It’s not about the food, or the floats for me, it’s being grateful for everything and everyone in your world!!”

@adamlambert: (Adam Lambert s8 runner up) “Happy Thanksgiving!!”

@theDavidCook: (David Cook s7 winner) “Happy Turkey Day, everyone!

@DavidArchie (David Archuleta s7 runner up) “Happy Thanksgiving everybody!  Watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade this morning.”

@JordinSparks:  (Jordin Sparks s6 winner) “Happy Thanksgiving my loves! Im thankful for my amazing family, the gift of waking up this morning and all of YOU!”

@BlakeLewis (Blake Lewis s6 runner up) “Happy Thanksgiving to all of you my friends. Hope it is spent with your favorite peoples.  Much love and happiness!”

@TaylorRHicks: (Taylor Hicks s5 winner) “I hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving! #fb”

@katharinemcphee: (Katharine McPhee s5 runner up, smash) “I love Thanksgiving!!!! I am so thankful!”

@DianaDeGarmo: (Diana DeGarmo s3) “I am so thankful for everyone and everything that has gotten me where I am today. Happy Thanksgiving everybody.”

@kelly_Clarkson (Kelly Clarkson s1 winner) “I just woke up in my own bed and am about to make some pumpkin pie and stuffing from scratch …..thank you Paula Dean for your recipes! I’m so happy my sister’s doing the turkey! Thank you to @elainesnowden, @jasonhalbert, and the rest of my band and crew for making X Factor so much fun and memorable! I have a lot of talented people on my team and I am thankful for every single one of y’all! Happy Turkey day everybody!”

@justin_guarini: (Justin Guarini s1 runner up) “Happy Turkey Day, everyone! I’m having a ball at the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Parade. Just finished Co-hosting the pre-show.”

@CHRIS_Daughtry: (Chris Daughtry s5) “I’m so thankful for all the fans who are loving, supporting, and spreading the #BreakTheSpell word!!!! Overwhelmed by your kind words! And very thankful to be home with my amazing family right now! Happy thanksgiving everyone!”

@IAMJHUD: (Jennifer Hudson, S3 famous actress) “Happy thanksgiving !”

@Jacob_Lusk: (Jacob Lusk s10) “Im sooo thankful. Thankful for my family and true friends. Thankful to God, for opening all the doors and windows… http://fb.me/1kk6rb Yep

@KRodrighezAI10: (Karen Rodriguez s10) “Happy thanksgiving everyone!!! Feliz Dia de Acción de Gracias!”

@PiaToscano: (Pia Toscano s10)  “A very Happy Thanksgiving to my family, friends, fans, and Idol family.. So grateful to have each and every one of you in my life!!”

@STEFANOLANGONE: (Stefano Langone s10) “At the airport listening to Donny Hathaway bout to jump on the plane back to the great northwest :)) comin home family, can’t wait! At the airport listening to Donny Hathaway bout to jump on the plane back to the great northwest :)) comin home family, can’t wait! ”

@aaronkellyai09: (Aaron Kelly s9) “Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Things that I am thankful for, my family, my friends, And my amazing fans. Have a happy thanksgiving everyone.”

@thekatiestevens: (Katie Stevens s9) “Happy thanksgiving!!! This year I’m thankful for time spent with family, my friends, God and his blessings, and YOU my amazing fans!! xo”

@SiobhanMagnusAI: (Siobhan Magnus s9) “Go pig out!!! Xoxox”

@TimUrbanMusic: (Tim Urban s9) “Happy Thanksgiving!!! Time for some football!!”

@AllisonIraheta: (Allison Iraheta s8) “Happy gobble gobble errbody!! Def thankful for the people that surround me and love me, and everything this world has given me.. The good.. And ze bad.. Gracias..”

@michaelsarver1: (Michael Sarver s8) “Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Twitter family! I am so thankful for the 17,701 of you that haven’t given up on me and believe in me so much. I hope your day is as amazing as you are! Love you all!”

@michael_johns: (Michael Johns s7) “puddy guitar LAX… Let’s go to Dallas with Stacey’s fam and eat! #TwitPict http://twitpic.com/7ixwrf

@Syesha (Syesha s7) “Happy Thanksgiving #TeamSye The Winner’s Artwork will be featured shortly for “Christmas Melody” Contest http://t.co/f1grpncA”

@brandonrogersLA: (Brandon Rogers s6) “Everyone’s got something to be thankful for so eat, drink and be merry. ;-) Happy Thanksgiving err’body!”

@ChrisRich: (Chris Richardson s6) “Spending today with the ones I love…I’m happy”

@ChrisSligh: (Chris Sligh s6) “Happy thanksgiving y’all. Turkey football & love but the greatest of these is…football.”

@mdoolittle:  (Melinda Doolittle s6) “Happy Thanksgiving! I have so many things to be thankful for, and one of those things is you! Love you and have a wonderful day!”

@mandisaofficial (Mandisa s5) “Enter His gates with thanksgiving & His courts with praise; give thanks to Him & praise His name. (Psalm 100:4 NIV) HAPPY THANKSGIVING!”

@ParisBennett: (Paris Bennett s5) “Morning to all my #Parisians aka Followers…. Happy Thanksgiving and Be sure to express what ur thankful for today especially to God! Mwuah”

@anthonyfedorov: (Anthony Fedorov s4) “Wishing everyone a happy and a blessed Thanksgiving!!!!”

@ConstantineM: (Constantine Maroulis s4) “Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! http://yfrog.com/klc8bzwj

@LaToyaLondon: (LaToya London s3) “…Is Thankful!”

@joshgracin: (Josh Gracin s2) “Happy Thanksgiving! Make sure to wear your strechy pants!!!”


@dizzyfeet: (Nigel Lythgoe Idol producer) “I have so much to be Thankful for. Thanks to my friends for being my friends & thanks to my Family for also being my friends. So important!”

@MichaelOrland: (Michael Orland Idol music director) “Happy Thanksgiving to my FB & Twitter Friends & Family – always an extra special time to be thankful for everyone & everything in our lives.”

@PaulaAbdul: (Paula Abdul xf) “Happy Thanksgiving to you all!! xoxoxoxoP :)) I wish you a wonderful time w/ people you love. #IAmPaula To people working today- police, firefighters, nurses, gas station/store clerks & anyone I missed-you have my deepest #gratitude xoP”

@WeAreTheFallen: (Carly Smithson s7) “Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving from all five of us!, @CarlySmithson @JohnLeCompt @weareBenMoody @RockyGray @Marty_OBrien .”

@blakeshelton: (Blake Shelton the voice) “Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!!!! It’s my favorite holiday… Mostly cause I don’t do shit!!!”

@ceelogreen: (Cee Lo Green the voice) “Happy thanksgiving everyone.”

@drewryniewicz: (Drew xf) “Happy thanksgiving drewbies and drewcrew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eat some food, please?…………..for me??”

@joshkrajcik: (Josh Krajcik xf) “”If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get.” – Frank A. Clark #happythxgvng”

@AtronomicalKid: (Astro xf) “Best Thanksgiving ever! Woke up and I had 100,000 #ASTROnauts! Today I give thanks for having #teamASTRO holding me down! #HAPPYTHANKSGIVING”

@IAmMarcusCanty: (Marcus Canty xf) “Thanking God for another day! Be blessed guys and spend time with your family! It THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!”

@iamrachelcrow: (Rachel Crow xf) “Happy Thanksgiving I love u all so much.  Thank u for keeping me in it for another week.”

@MrChrisRene: (Chris Rene xf) “Happy Mash potatoes & Gravy day. May you eat & be Merry on this gloryous day @thexfa torusa @ChrisReneTalk”

@ItsMelanieAmaro: (Melanie Amaro xf) “Happy thanksgiving everyone , may you be richly blessed on this day and spend it with loved ones. Praise God for all he has done. Eat lots”

@stacyfrancis: (StacyFrancis xf) “I am thankful for my babies.. friends.. family.. supporters.. #franatics.. my time on @TheXFactorUSA .. music.. @SimonCowell .. God.. health”

@TheStereoHogzz: (Stereo Hogzz xf) “Happy Thanksgiving Teamstereo!!! This is a day if gratefulness, make sure u thank all those that go the extra mile 4 u everyday! Love yall

@iharryshum: (Harry Shum Jr. glee) “Happy Thanksgiving people from all over the world!  Thankful for the good and the bad. And thankful for y’all! #goniners #random”

@druidDUDE (Kevin McHale glee) “#thankful for my amazing Glee family. I love you all! Hope everyone has an incredible and safe Thanksgiving!”

@damianmcginty: (Damian McGinty glee, glee project) “Happy Thanksgiving guys. I’m so #thankful for every single opportunity that has come my way, and the support you guys continue to give. xx”

@lindsaypearce: (Lindsay Pearce  glee, glee project) “Happy Thanksgiving far and wide. Let today remind you to count your blessings always and cherish the things you love in life every day <3”

@msleamichele: (Lea Michele glee) “Happy Thanksgiving everyone! There’s so much 2 be thankful for today! On my way home now to NYC. Can’t wait to see my family and be in NYC!!”

@MrMaxAdler: (Max Adler glee) “Have a safe, wonderful, filling, and fulfilling Thnksgiving everyone! I am so so thankful for each and every one of you in my life!”

@grantgust: (Grant Gustin glee evil warbler) “Happy Thanksgiving! Even if you don’t celebrate it in your part of the world. EVERYONE has something to be thankful for. Have a great day!”

@DiannaAgron: (Dianna Agron & Darren Criss glee) “Is this normal? Just trying to go home!!! Still excited. Glad I have a buddy. #fixthisplane   http://t.co/jgd5cE6r

Hey! Fix that plane! Darren Criss has to make it to Boston tomorrow for the Star Kid show!

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!