America's Got Talent

America’s Got Talent: Tim Poe a Fraud?

Remember Tim Poe, the stuttering soldier from last night’s America’s Got Talent? He claimed he was hit in the ear with an RPG and sustained brain damage that caused him to stutter?

Reportedly some members of his unit are calling him a fraud.

America's Got Talent

Billboard – 6/9/12

As we all know, there are approximately 80,495 Billboard charts. This is a summary of just some of those charts and how the Idols/AGTers did on them this week. Please feel free to post rankings

America's Got Talent

Billboard – 6/2/12

As we all know, there are approximately 79,419 Billboard charts. This is a summary of just some of those charts and how the Idols/AGTers did on them this week. Please feel free to post rankings

America's Got Talent

Billboard – 5/26/12

As we all know, there are approximately 81,323 Billboard charts. This is a summary of just some of those charts and how the Idols/AGTers did on them this week. Please feel free to post rankings