Who goes home tonight? The Canadian Idol Top 24 Results Show airs on CTV tonight at 7:30 ET. Check this post for video from this site. I’ll post it as soon as it’s available.
- Lindsay Barr
- Tetiana Ostapowych
- Shaun Fransisco
- Lindsay Robbins
Way to make an elimination show NOT SUCK! Instead of one great big cheesy group number, The Top 24 were split into smaller groups–each performing a number. That was the entire show, until the last 5 minutes, when the eliminated contestants’ names were called. No Bottom 3, no annoying filler, no lame musical acts pimping their latest crappy record. Just the kids featured in a pretty awesome musical showcase and at the very end, a painless see-ya-later.
The AI producers really ought to consider staging this kind of showcase for the AI results show. It really gave the contestants a chance to perform in a way that’s not completely alien to who they are as performers. I love the big cheesy numbers, but they generally don’t highlight the contestants as singers and artists. My recommendation: Check out the first 3 parts of the show after the jump, and you’ll see what I mean.
The eliminations: Lindsay Barr had potential, but she picked the wrong song, and BANG she’s gone. Too bad. A skillful arrangement of the Coldplay song “Yellow” couldn’t save Shaun Francisco, as he failed to connect to the viewing audience. I’m not surprised Lindsay Robbins’ caterwauling kept Canadians across the country from dialing her number. And, finally, Tetiana Ostapowych may have had the worst song choice of the whole 24–that perfect example of 70’s dreck–“Feelings”.
After tonight’s elimination, the gender split is 6 girls to 14 boys. That’s more than a 2 to 1, people. At this rate, we could end up with an all male Top 10…
After the JUMP…
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4: