Brian Dunkleman Lobs F Word at Ryan Seacrest, American Idol (Video)

Former American Idol host Brian Dunkleman posted an angry, unhinged video to Youtube in January. It had about 50 hits, until Radaronline found it and posted a story.

In it, Dunkleman screams obscenities at his former co-host Ryan Seacrest. Uses the F word a lot. Admits to doing a ton of drugs, and wanting to kill himself. And then he talks about his abusive, alcoholic wife, and why he ended up driving an Uber

“Seacrest, Secrest f*** Ryan Seacrest! I could have snapped his neck if I wanted to.”

“Seacrest and I were not getting along, We’re butting heads all the time.” Dunkleman confessed in the clip before suddenly screaming, “Seacrest, Secrest f*** Ryan Seacrest! I could have snapped his neck if I wanted to. I’ve seen movies. I think I could do it. God that would have gotten a sh***oad of hits on YouTube.” (Fact check: Youtube wasn’t a thing until 2005).

Then, he claimed that after judge Simon Cowell called the auditioning singers “monkeys,” fellow judge Randy Jackson reacted angrily:  “And then Simon said, ‘this is ridiculous. This is a talent competition and we already let two other monkeys through.’ And Randy f****** snapped. ‘What the f***. You can’t call people monkeys Jack.’ And I’m like holy f*** man, he’s gonna knock him out.”

“Five o’clock. Live show. Been up doing coke all night.”

Dunkleman also claimed that he taped live American Idol shows after snorting coke all night.”Then the drug use, it was ridiculous,” he said. “It turned into ecstasy and then GHB and then Special K, and then,  God damn it. Where are we going? It’s just another thing that made me look like a difficult a******.”

He also claimed, that at the time of the American Idol season 2 premiere in 2003, he wanted to die. “I couldn’t function, I was on a flight. Yeah, well turbulence and I just thought ‘just f****** go down because I just don’t want to be alive anymore’,” he said. 

“After a couple years of drinking and doing coke I ran out of money”

He married an alcoholic, he said in the clip. They lost their first baby, and while raising a second, she was drunk all the time. So he kidnapped his son

“After a couple years of drinking and doing coke,” said Dunkleman, “I ran out of money. Former American Idol host. Now, an Uber driver. Doesn’t matter if I drive an Uber, doesn’t matter. If I’m on a f****** television show. Just trying to be the best dad I can.”

Dunkleman hosted the first season of American Idol in 2002 with Ryan Seacrest, but FOX decided to can him before the second season. Dunkleman insists that he quit. But that’s up for debate. It’s more likely Dunkleman quit before he was pushed.

Dunkleman is his own worst enemy

In the meantime, Ryan became the sole host, after which his career soared. He quickly became a high profile radio personality, producer of the Kardashians, red carpet interviewer. And that’s just a few of his jobs. Basically, he became a household name, while Dunkleman sunk into obscurity. He last appeared on American Idol on FOX’s farewell finale in 2016. The appearance was very awkward.

But man. This dude seems to be his own worst enemy. I truly hope he gets the help he needs. The clip seems to be yet another pitch for a reality series. Or maybe a limited run documentary? In any case, it doesn’t appear anything came of the project. And no wonder. Because he does not seem well.

Also, I tried to open, and got a virus warning. Not good.


About mj santilli 35052 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!