(I figured none of you would be interested in reading the wank. heh) Big bullet items: Blaine will sing with The Warblers in Episode 7! Ryan is not sure if Grant Gustin is coming back as Sebastian (Why do I get the feeling their might be a negotiations glitch that’s keeping Grant from returning?) Ryan is hell-bent on putting together a Moulin Rouge tribute (I’m not complaining!) and Klaine will kiss again (I’ll believe it when I see it).
Q: will Blaine ever sing a song with the warblers again?
A: Yup. Episode 7.
Q: Klaine is going to call,Skype or text right??
A: Yup. This starts in episode 3.
Q: We miss SANTANA & the 2 shot with Brittany!! When will we see Santana & her SL?
A: Next episode, the Britney tribute.
Q: Do you think it’s the last season?
A: Hell no.
Q: What are you doing to Kurt?! Moving to NY with no job or college? WTF?!
A: Keep watching…this is answered.
Q: Will Blaine try to make a difference in the school when he runs for class president?
A: Oh yes. Blaine has many good ideas. #gelshouldnotbeoutlawed
Q: when is blake’s character debout?
A: Episode 5.
Q: Why don’t you answer me? I know you’re seeing this! Kitty is gonna sing?
A: Next episode, bossy.
Q: Are you happy that you got million of teen tears tonight because of Glee?
A: Actually, waiting for episode 4. I will fill up swimming pools full, and swim gloriously.
Q: I need Tina singing a bunch of solos this year, Jenna is AMAZING A: Jenna sings two songs in the next episode.
Q: we miss finn!
A: He’s coming back and his part is bigger than ever.
Q: LOVE marley’s mum. What do you think about her?
A: I think she’s very moving. And we are dedicated to following her struggle and triumph. Great question.
Q: is Tike going to get back together because they were perfect
A: I agree. Tike forever.
Q: Can you please give a spoiler for the Brittana fans so I can go to bed?
A: Lord Tubbington has joined a gang.
Q: will we see kurt sing in the next episode?
A: Episode 3.
Q: Please reassure me that Kurt will get his own important storylines this season and not just be Rachel or Blaine’s sidekick?
A: Yup. Episode 3.
Q: PLEASE ANSWER ME! is Sebastian going to come back?? #BringSebastianBack @grantgust A: @grantgust Not sure.
Q: when Santana comes back to ohio she surprises Brittany or Brittany already knows that she’s coming ?
A: Surprise!
Q: I really miss Finchel, Ryan! I hope things will get better for them really soon! :)
A: Oh it will. Finn vs. Brody is one of my favorite things.
Q: Where was Piano!Brad??? I missed his face :(
A: Keep watching.
Q: will we see santanas bedroom again with brittany in it??
A: How about a hot and steamy laundry room?
Q: will Brittany get a good story this year
A: Watch next week. Brittany dominates.
Q: What about Wemma? 47
A: Episode 2. Next week.
Q: Will Kurt and Blaine literally ever kiss again?
A: Of course. Until then, there’s always The New Normal.
Q: do we see Cassandra’s soft side? – if she even has one…
A: Oh yes. Next episode.
Q: so are you actually going to give Brody and Rachel a REAL shot?? Not everyone likes finchell. =\
A: Yes. Riot.
Q: But we want the actual Kurt and Blaine to kiss… Bryan and David are adorable and great, but they are not Kurt and Blaine…
A: Oh honey, it will happen. Just wait.
Q: I think it’s time for some other couples besides Finchel to have some break ups!!! Equality for all, right?!?
A: 100% agree with you.
Q: Why are the Warblers coming back? Don’t tell me Blaine transfers school yet again!
A: Episode 7 yo.
Q: Seriously Ryan! Are there going to be any cute Klaine scenes?
A: So many. I love it in Episode 3 when they Skype. Beyond cute.
Q: Any band-tribute eps this season? How about ABBA? @ap0702 and I dream for Rachel to sing The Winner Takes It All! #glee
A: I want Moulin Rouge.
Q: can you please tell us stuff to do with Blaine and Sam?
A: Besties in Episode 3. So cute.
Q: thank you for creating Marley! she is my favorite character already and i loved her when she stood up to Kitty and the jocks
A: Marley has a strong spirit. She fights for what she wants.
Q: i am really looking forward to jake’s storyline i fell in love with him and his voice
A: Wait until you see who he meets in the next episode.
Q: How long until we see that “soft pitiful” side of Kitty?
A: I want to keep her a villain. Poor Marley. #gaslighting
Q: would you like Chris to guest star on AHS?
A: I will do whatever Chris Colfer tells me to do. :)
Q: My mom and I love SJP! She’s now a gleek! Can you tell me something about Isabelle? I already love her! she’s so enthusiastic!
A: Isabelle is sweet and vulnerable. She and Kurt become best friends.
Q: so is Britt head cheerio?
A: Kitty is trying to take that job. Brittany’s not having it. #nextepisode
Q: Ryan please! Answer me, and my night will be perfect.. ¿Sam is trying of conquer to Marley? ¿He doesn’t was with Mercedes?
A: Sam is more like a big brother to Marley. A guiding light. He’s very sweet and careful with her.
Q: will Sarah Jessica Parker’s character influence on rachel??
A: Style style style.