Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 11 – POV Competition Results

Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 11 - POV Competition Results

Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 11 – POV Competition Results

On Friday, Steve nominated Liz and Austin as expected. Best case scenario for Steve, James and Vanessa would have been to keep the nominations the same. Austin was their target.

However, Austin won the PoV competition on Saturday. And he WON’T be pulling a Clay. He’ll use the veto to take himself off of the block. HoH Steve will renom Julia in his place. If Steve sticks to his plan, the twins will be on the block.

ETA & correction: Vanessa told Steve yesterday that Liz was her target.

Something happened during the competition. It sounds like Julia asked Vanessa who to pick to go against in the comp. She said to take out Austin. It sounds like he blew up on people afterward, told the twins Vanessa was playing them. Julia thought she was being set up to fail, hence Vanessa crying, defending herself afterward with “reasons” (dirt on Austin) she wouldn’t divulge.

The twins confronted Austin with Vanessa’s claims. He told them Vanessa is merely trying to set him up, as she has before. The twins have no reason not to trust him, he said.  He realized he was the target, and will try to get Steve to target Vanessa instead. (Good luck with that. As if Steve would ever betray his house mommy).

Making it tougher for Austin: Saving himself nearly guarantees Liz will be evicted. He could have thrown it and hoped for the best. Vanessa is angry with Austin because he won the veto and he didn’t need to. He was safe. He reminds her that NO ONE is safe in Big Brother. Liz is angry that Austin played to beat Julia, rather than throw the comp to her. She expected Austin to use the Veto to save her.

Austin pulled John aside and suggested they work together–save Julia this week, take out Vanessa next week. John agreed, and went to work on Steve, trying to convince him to target Julia instead of Liz.

Austin and Vanessa made up eventually. Vanessa said she’d give someone the best advice, even if it went against her own game (SURE YOU WOULD).  Vanessa launched into her self-pity shtick, crying about how much she gave up to play Big Brother (She’s got a girlfriend and a big ass mansion waiting in Las Vegas for her. So.)

Austin is so funny. He has moments of clarity when he realizes how he’s being played by Vanessa, but she pulls him back in every time. It’s like when Lucy convinces Charlie Brown she’ll hold the football, even though she pulls it away every damn time he goes for the kick. But, you could actually say that about all of them. The twins are mad at Austin, but Vanessa is playing them. She’s playing all of them.

Meanwhile, Austin is bragging about the “great TV” he made calling it a “Judas move.” He’s trying to convince Liz he was merely playing for the cameras. Liz isn’t buying it so far. There will be no lovin’ for Austin tonight. And the feedsters rejoice.

Jessie Godderz was the host. The comp involved tutus and bowling.

ETA: Sorry, it took me a minute to figure out what was going on! I had to make a few edits to get the details right.

UPDATE: Liz and Austin made up, were in bed together by morning.

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