Things are still blowing up in the Big Brother house. If you haven’t signed up for the Live Feeds, click here to do it now. Season 17 is a non-stop trainwreck, and I don’t mean that in a bad way.
Chief instigator, Audrey, has been turning the house upside down for days. Early Tuesday morning, the houseguests had a series of meetings, where they were finally able to piece together Audrey’s deceitful narrative that pitted alliance members against each other. She’d start rumors by claiming she heard this and that from this one or the other one. For instance, she made up a story about an all-girl alliance, with Vanessa as mastermind. The entire house was buzzing about it. When finally confronted, she blamed Da’Vonne.
Even her stanchest allies, Clay and Shelli have abandoned her, and HoH John wishes he’d targeted Audrey for eviction instead of Jace. Meanwhile, Audrey continues to defend her lies, even when she’s totally exposed. She be crazy.
Jace was convinced that James put him up at the last minute, until Audrey blew his game. Ironically, when Audrey tells him the truth about his eviction being the plan all along, Jace doesn’t believe her. Why should he?
Audrey reveals backdoor plan to Jace
Later on Tuesday, things BLEW UP REAL GOOD. Da’Vonne confronted Audrey. She corralled a bunch of other houseguests who proceeded to blow holes in Audrey’s stories. She done got served. Audrey tries to pin the gossip, including the all-girl alliance rumor, on Da’Vonne, who exposes her lie, handily. Vanessa, is also pretty fierce as she confronts Audrey, whom she totally trusted. “GAME ON,” said Audrey, as she gathered several houseguests who all confirm they heard rumors from Audrey first. “I’m gonna leave,” said Da’Vonne when she finished, “Or I’m gonna crack her in her face.”
Da’Vonne SMACKS DOWN Audrey
“Your sh*t has hit the fan, point blank period,” said Da’Vonne. After she leaves, Audrey continues to lie.
Meanwhile, after the house turned against her, she teamed up with Jace, who is trying to figure out a last minute plan to flip the house vote to save him from eviction. She revealed the five-person fake alliance, convincing Jace what she’d been trying to tell him–that the house had been planning to evict him from day one.
Audrey teams up with Jace
But holy crap, Jace needs to go. He’s an asshole. Steve has been his target. On more than one occasion, Jace has gotten nastily aggressive with him, like the worst schoolyard bully you can imagine. He does it because he can. Ugh.
Jace bullies Steve
Make sure to tune in tonight as we recap Big Brother! 8/7c pm Click for MORE spoilers