Live blogging the Big Brother 16 Week 3 Eviction! Who will leave the house? Caleb or Devin? The house wants Devin OUT will their backdoor plan work? Plus, which to HGs will win HoH?
Caleb feels he made a risky move putting himself up on the block. But if Devin goes home, it will be all worth it. Jocasta is STILL CRYING. She promises to return the favor to Donny for saving her.
It’s nighttime in the house. Caleb continues to obsess over Amber. As she sleeps he covers her with both his blankets. HE’S SO CREEPY.
Donny and Cody are beginning to think that Caleb is a liability. He’s not a good competitor and his crush on Amber is clouding his judgement. They’re thinking of targeting Caleb this week instead of Devin.
Victoria enters the pool area in a sexy black bikini. The guys catcall her (and joke that they can’t remember her name. She’s been pretty much a non-entity so far).
Amber and Cody stay up and have a late night chat. Caleb walks into the bedroom, creeping up on them. Cody is so freaked out. He complains to Derrick, who realizes that Caleb is a problem. Zach tells Cody that Caleb HATES him. Zach is also thinking he’s dangerous.
Hayden and Nicole cuddle in bed. He wants a kiss. She still says no. But wonders if he’s a good kisser? “You’re one of the nicest guys in the world.” They tell each other they smell good. Victoria comes into the room. COCKBLOCK.
Devin tries to bond with Cody. He talks about how he wants to further his education when he leaves the house. Cody thinks he’s a good person who got caught up in the game. Cody tells Zach that he thinks Devin is a good guy. Zach is beginning to think that maybe Caleb should be the target.
Zach brings the new idea to Frankie. He considers it. Frankie brings the idea to Christine and finally Derrick. Frankie tells him that some people are thinking about voting Caleb out. Derrick still thinks Devin is bad for his game. Frankie says Caleb is so obsessed with Amber, he doesn’t realize people are making moves around him. He’s a moving target.
In the next segment, “Big Brother legend” Jeff Schroeder interviews Donny’s parents. OMG Donny’s dad is just like him. These are country folk, for sure. They don’t watch Big Brother. Not their thing! Dad likes westerns. Jeff shows them some clips. The parents didn’t care for it.
The family watches clips of the houseguests speculating on who Donny really is. Maybe he’s a college professor or in the army or even SPECIAL OPS! The family finds this amusing. But they become emotional when they see Donny’s sweet side. The family has every confidence he’ll stay strong. His brother, who was born without useful arms, is a schoolteacher. Donny’s girlfriend is HOT! He likes playing sudoku.
Julie chats with the houseguests. Jocasta is feeling much better. She reiterates how much it meant to her when Donny used the Veto on her. Zach says there a lot of people he doesn’t like. But the BB guests are especially annoying. He says this with a smile, though. Zach is so off the wall, I hope he never leaves. Julie asks Hayden about the downside of being a have-not. He says there is no down side and Hayden says there’s no downside and he’s ready to audition for Amazing Race. WINK.
And on that note, Julie gives them the good news: There will be no Have Nots next week.
HOWEVER, the next group of have nots will be chosen based on their activity level, measured by the BB tracker they’re wearing. The houseguests don’t know this yet.
Devin and Caleb make a last plea to the house guests. Caleb gives all glory to God and thanks his family. He notes they are both beasts BUT he’s not a backstabber, liar or a cheater. Unlike Devin. Devin says given the chance, he would do things differently. He notes Caleb is Amber’s slave. Devin promises the he is willing to change and reminds the house guests that he’s a physical and mental competition monster.
The first four votes – Jocasta, Donny, Nicole and Hayden all evict Devin. After the break, we find out if Cody and his allies have decided to switch targets to Caleb. Whoop! Cody and Zach vote out Devin. His fate is sealed. It’s completely unanimous.
All 11 houseguests vote to evict Devin
Vote to Evict in Order
Jocasta – Devin
Donny – Devin
Nicole – Devin
Hayden – Devin
Zach – Devin
Cody – Devin
Victoria – Devin
Frankie – Devin
Amber – Devin
Christine – Devin
Brittany – Devin
Devin says goodbye to the houseguests. Brittany gives him a little foil heart as a good bye present. They hug him goodbye warmly. But the door is barely shut, when HGs let out a whoop of celebration.
In his sit down with Julie, Devin says he’s not surprised to go home early, because he played the game hard. He explains that paranoia drove him to blow up the Bomb Squad alliance. He saw side deals being made without him. He thought maybe he could create a bunch of little targets if he gave the group up. Devin is REALLY suprised to learn that Donny REALLY IS a grounds keeper. Goodbye messages next. The consensus of the house is that Devin is a good guy, but a terrible player. “Your social game was god awful,” says Zach.
HOH Competition is next!
Teams of two are formed. The winning DUO will become HoH.
The pairings are announced, and take their place at individual “cages.”
Victoria and Christine
Caleb and Nicole
Brittany and Jocasta
Amber and Zach
Donny and Hayden
Cody and Frankie
Derrick, dressed in a devil outfit, sits on a throne. As outgoing HoH, he’s not eligible to play.
Deviled Eggs is the name of the competition – From inside individual side-by-side cages, team members will have to maneuver “eggs” through chicken wire into the hands of their partner, who will drop it into a slot. The play goes back and forth. Amber and Zach, Cody and Frankie each have one egg in a slot as the episode ends. The result will be a spoiler later.
UPDATE: Cody and Frankie won the competition and are the new HoH
America got to vote on the next Team America assignment, which was about which house guest to get on the block, and the winning task was…Someone they believe is a physical threat.