Big Brother 16 – Episode 9 – Recap and Results (VIDEO)

Note: Kyle can no longer blog Big Brother and Krista is on vacation this week! For tonight, I’ll be posting results for your discussion.

Which 2 houseguests will Derrick and Nicole nominate respectively for the block? And who will prevail in the Battle of the Block? Stay tuned for results.

Devin knows there is a HUGE target on his back. Because basically, he’s nuts, and a terrible player. And did you know that he has a daughter? Derrick tells Devin that he won’t put him on the block (because they plan to backdoor him. Oops). Caleb is in on the scheme.

Christine wants to take Nicole and Hayden far in the competition, now that the Bomb Squad has exploded. She reveals the alliance to Nicole. “That’s a stupid name,” she snarks.

Zach cries when Derrick reads the letter from his wife out loud in the HOH room. #ManTears is the hashtag, ya’ll.

Nicole is nervous to talk game with Derrick. She wants to work with him, but she’s nervous. There are a bunch of houseguests she doesn’t want to put up. She decides to put Amber up to return the favor (Amber previously put Amber up when she was HoH). Derrick wants to put up Caleb and Jocasta.

Nicole and Hayden have a hammock date “I think you are the cutest girl I’ve ever met…you’re the best.” Nicole says, “I know.” She turns down his request to make out.

Hayden wants to know when he and Nicole are going to make their relationship official.

Derrick and Caleb confab. Caleb plays right into Derrick’s hands by offering himself up to go on the block. Derrick knew he’d do that in order to rescue his crush, Amber.  If Caleb volunteers, there will be less blood on Derrick’s hands. Caleb reveals his plan to Amber to throw the competition in order to save her. She is clearly uncomfortable. In the meantime, Derrick is very pleased with himself. He not only gets Caleb on the block, but he’s willing to throw the competition, thus keeping Derrick in power.

Derrick gives Caleb an “opportunity” to go on the block for Amber.

Nicole confides in Donny. He thinks it’s a great idea to put up Amber. Nicole isn’t sure who else to put up. Donny suggests her friend, Christine. Nicole balks. She doesn’t think she can put up her friend. “Is your buddy really your buddy?” Donny asks her.

When Amber overhears Donny talking game with Brittany and Jocasta, revealing that Caleb plans to throw the competition after Derrick puts him up on the block, she feels she has to tell Christine and Nicole.  Now, Nicole wonders if she can trust Donny, accusing him of “stirring things up.”  She reveals to Christine that he suggested her for the block. Sure that Donny is spreading the private conversation they had around, Nicole begins thinking about putting him up on the block with Amber. Christine agrees.

It’s time for the nomination ceremony. The houseguests take their places. Nicole won the draw. She announces first. She puts Amber and Donny up on the block. Derrick reveals his nominees–Jocasta and Caleb. He reveals that Caleb volunteered to go up on the block.

Devin KNOWS that he’s being backdoored. Donny is surprised that Nicole nominated him, especially after she came to him for advice.

Nicole is beginning to doubt her decision to put up Donny. Hayden says Donny’s head isn’t in the game. Nicole knows Donny is popular and is afraid of getting blood on her hands, thus becoming a target. Plus, she really does like Donny.

Caleb tells Derrick that he knows what’s going down, and respects his game. Devin decides to make some amends. He admits that he broke the Bomb Squad. Derrick will respect Devin if he wins power of veto and comes after Derrick. The talk doesn’t change Derrick’s mind about getting rid of Devin.

Frankie takes questions about his “sibling” without naming her. He describes how she looks. Nobody knows yet that Ariana Grande is his sister. Victoria is giving him the 3rd degree. What does she look like, what’s her name? “Ari” he answers. Hm.

Victoria Interrogates Frankie

It’s time for a Team America task. They have 4 days to convince the rest of the houseguests that a current houseguest is related to a former houseguest. Derrick, Frankie and Donny were chosen by viewers for Team America. The idea is to convince the other houseguests that Zach and Amanda (from last year) are cousins. They are both from South Florida and both pretty crazy. It might just work.

Team America’s Mission!

Nicole is tearing up over nominating Donny. She apologizes to him. He tells her it’s OK. “It’s just a game,” he says tearfully. “I don’t hold it against you.” She explains that when she learned he was spreading the info they talked about earlier in the morning, she stopped trusting him. “Did you tell me not to tell anybody?” He had her there. They decide to work together. She wants him to win Battle of the Block. At this point, she’s willing to lose her HoH position.

It’s time for the Battle of the Block. Abraca-BOB-ra. It’s a Harry Potter theme! The players are wearing wizard robes.  Ha ha. Caleb in Harry Potter glasses. He’s pulling it off.  The rules: A houseguest runs across the yard to retrieve a puzzle piece, runs back, hands it to their fellow nominee. A harness pulls the nominee up where they put the puzzle together on a magnet canvas. It’s an awkward contest, but it doesn’t matter. Caleb isn’t trying, so Amber and Donny can relax.  The finished puzzle is a picture of a duck wearing a wizard hat.

Nicole thinks Caleb is doing a good job throwing the game without seeming like it. Jocasta isn’t very good at the game, so that helps. Amber finishes the puzzle. Donny runs back to push the buzzer. They win.

Caleb and Jocasta remain on the block, while Derrick keeps HoH. Derrick doesn’t want it getting around the house that he lost on purpose. OOPS TOO LATE.

Next time: The Power of Veto. Who will win? Who will be saved? Join us next Wednesday at 8 pm.

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!