Tonight we will see the PoV competition and ceremony. A long with that there has been a lot of drama in the house over the last week so it will be interesting to see what they decide to edit into the show.
I will be back later with my recap and as always you can discuss the show below.
Big Brother 15 Recap Episode 23
Such a crazy week and it’s time to see what the producers have chosen to shown. There is a lot of directions they could have gone so I’m excited to see what gets shown. I am betting on the drama over the strategy because that is how Big Brother rolls.
We get a quick recap of everything that happened before the nomination ceremony. My favorite part is the scene with Aaryn spacing out and drinking nail polish remover. Not that I wish her harm because that would be horrible but I just thought it was funny in an “I hope she doesn’t die” way.
Elissa says that her nominations are to get revenge for sending Helen home. Aaryn is pissed that she is taking the shots when she did everyone else’s dirty work. McCrae is worried about being on the block but knows he needs to win veto. Amanda is mad that two of her 3AM alliance is up on the block. She says she needs to find a way save both people.
Amanda and McCrae her GM talking to Elissa about the nominations and Amanda now wants to punch GM in the face for sucking up to Elissa. In the Have Not room Aaryn is trying to convince GM that she cannot trust Elissa because Aaryn sees Hell when she looks at Elissa. GM counters that McCranda has lied to everyone so you can’t really trust them either.
In the kitchen Amanda starts to plant seeds against GM but Elissa is smart enough to not listen to any of it. Amanda outright asks Elissa if she would put Amanda up as the replacement which Elissa lies horribly that she would not put Amanda up. I mean what does Amanda expect at this point? She’s going to be a target for everyone now.
Elissa is happy about thinking that Amanda could go home. She saw a bad side of Amanda last week with how they treated Helen. She approaches Judd about backdooring Amanda rather than sending Aaryn home. She sends Judd to get Aaryn so that Elissa can talk with her.
She proposes working with Aaryn to go after Amanda. Aaryn is totally on board with this plan. It is a good plan but it is really too bad that Elissa didn’t just think of nominating McCranda together.
They basically need anyone but Amanda to play in the PoV. And of course Elissa pulls out Amanda’s name. McCrae picks GM which pisses him off since GM would save Aaryn. Aaryn gets House Guests choice and she picks Judd. This pisses off Amanda (Of course it pisses off Amanda … everything pisses off Amanda).
She confronts Aaryn about picking Judd over Andy and Aaryn smartly says that Andy would not save her and she needed to make a move for herself. Amanda says it makes no sense because she needed Andy as an extra chance to save McCrae.
Aaryn meets with GM and Elissa to lament how Amanda is treating her and apparently Aaryn just realizes that Amanda has been using her. Silly players.
In the kitchen Elissa and GM are talking game and Amanda. Everytime Amanda walks through the room they quiet down. Eventually Amanda confronts them and causes drama. It turns into a shouting match between Amanda and GM which is really just random words going back and forth. McCrae separates Amanda from the kitchen. McCrae is trying to confirm her down because he is worried it will hurt him since he is on the block.
Amanda and Elissa go up to the HoH house and Amanda continues throwing GM under the block. Amanda tries to come across as a “friend” and it’s really bullshit. He keeps trying to get Elissa to say that she would nominate Amanda as a replacement and it’s really pushy. I love when Elissa tries to keep a straight face while telling lies that she bursts out laughing in Amanda’s face. Worst liar ever!
Amanda breaks down because she feels defeated. She tries to say that she has kept Elissa in the game and fought for Elissa to stay in the game (Apparently winning Vetoes did nothing to safe Elissa). I wonder if Amanda actually believes the crap that she says. I would think she does believe she is Elissa’s savior.
And now we get Zingbot 3000. I love Zingbot. He gets McCrae that Amanda wears the pants in their relationship. GM gets a Fatal Attraction comment about Nick (I’m actually worried about Nick after the show). Andy is called a floater and pasty white like a ghost. This pisses Andy off that he is considered a floater. Aaryn is told that she was never acting when she was mean at the beginning of the game (I actually think this one could be true). Amanda gets a comment about mailing herself to see McCrae in Minnesota with her giant tramp stamp. Rachel gets the best one when she is called a cheap imitation of Rachel. Apparently Judd and Spencer weren’t fully enough to show on TV.
And that leads us into the Veto competition. Baby Zingbot is 1 years old today and it is his birthday. The competition consists of tosses a ball up a ramp and catching it on the otherside for a point. First to 250 wins but if the ball hits the ground they go back to zero. It’s actually a boring competition to watch and in the end Amanda pulls it off over GM. It was actually close for at the end. We are back to cocky, happy Amanda (can’t say I missed her).
After the competition Andy says he needs to get close to Elissa to keep himself save and not get nominated. Elissa is pissed that the competition that Amanda needed to lose is the one she won. Elissa still plans to put up a nomination that will mess up the McCranda game. Elissa jokes that people through the comp to her which is the easy trigger Amanda needed to attack Elissa.
There was a plan to get GM nominated over Andy which consisted of McCrae and Amanda pretending they wanted Andy nominated because they didn’t trust him anyone and if Elissa nominated him it would benefit them. And as I predicted we instead get Amanda attacking and torturing Elissa over and over again. It’s like Evil Dick with the pots and pans all over again. Personally I think this abuse is just as bad as physically hitting someone but the BB rule book disagrees with me. It’s all really unnecessary and makes Amanda look like a bitch (granted I did watch the Live Feeds and I can’t even say that it was a bad edit against Amanda). I just wish we could see more of the strategy to have GM nominated over that nonsense.
Up in the HoH room Andy makes a last ditch effort to save himself by saying that he is ashamed to be aligned with Amanda and that Elissa has at least one friend downstairs.
It’s now time for the Veto meeting and Amanda does the obvious by pulling McCrae off the block. At this point if the rest of the house is not smart enough to separate the two of them than they all deserve to lose this game.
Elissa nominates Andy which Amanda is pissed about by calling Elissa trash. Pot meet kettle.
Andy says that he needs McCranda to save him but he will no longer be loyal to them because he is not playing for third place. Aaryn says the 3AM alliance has failed but she will fight to save herself.
As far as I know MJ will be Live Blogging the Eviction ceremony tomorrow and I will be back this weekend with the power rankings and Sunday’s recap. Enjoy the rest of the week folks.