Welcome to another Big Brother episode.Tonight we will see who America picked as the 3rd Nominee and who wins the PoV.
I will be back later with my recap and as always feel free to discuss.
Hello Folks. Thanks for joining the show with me. We get a quick recap of the last few episodes. Amanda’s game play as totally fallen apart with her personal game play.
As was announced earlier today the Jury will be bigger this year with the first two jury members being eliminated tomorrow. I think CBS knows Candice is going home and wants to give her some power due to how this season and all the negative aspects have played out.
Apparently there was an argument during the PoV competition which lead to some dissention between McCrae and Amanda so we will get to see what went down. We will also who America choose as the third nominee.
We get a replay of GinaMarie’s awkward nominations. They were totally unnecessary but GinaMaria says she was just being honest. Judd and Amanda talk about how they couldn’t keep it together during the nomination ceremony.
Up in the HoH room GinaMarie says that she is sorry for calling Jessie a flip flopper and that her target is Candice. She tells Jessie to keep calm for the week and play hard for the Veto. GinaMarie then tries to smooth over things with Candice in case she stays. I would like to think this is a useless conversation since Candice seems to be too smart to go after GinaMarie if she stays.
There is some talk of who the HoH is. Judd thinks it is America but Amanda doesn’t think America would put her up since she is helping to get all the mean people out of the house. She is in for a rude awakening when she leaves the house.
Amanda then shows why the majority of America (pretty much everyone but Sara who comments on the BB15 posts here at the blog) by hating on Jessie for no reason at all and then getting mad at McCrae because Jessie sat next to him and he wouldn’t move away from her. She starts questioning whether he is done with her and he awkwardly stays silent while she stares at him from the shower. It’s like watching a friend stuck in a bad relationship and being forced to not say anything to him about it because of the Bro Code. I felt like I should have been looking the other way.
It’s now time for the PoV player picks but first America names Amanda as the third nominee. She gasps in frustration and thinks that it doesn’t make any sense why she is the third nominee. McCrae is not surprised by the pick because she is playing foolishly lately and Jessie is happy a big threat is on the block. Spencer and Judd round out the PoV players. Aaryn is picked as the PoV host.
Helen and Elissa are telling Candice that she needs to get herself off the block and Candice thinks it is Judd. Amanda agrees that she feels it in her gut that it is Judd. She approaches Judd and at first he says that he would use it on Jessie but changes it to say he would use it on her but pretend he would use it on Jessie. She then asks Spencer if he would use it on her and he waffles but stays he would consider it. He then tells her that it is better for her to win it herself.
In the HoH room Amanda asks GinaMarie if she would use the PoV on her and she says yes. This pisses off Aaryn since this would mean she is the most likely next nominee. Andy and McCrae agree that Amanda is pushing people too hard to use the veto on her and pissing off their alliance.
McCrae approaches GinaMarie and Aaryn to tell them not to use the Veto because it is not needed. Amanda enters the conversation and McCrae tries to explain things to her but she is not listening to anything because she is a selfish player and no one matters but her.
They then go into the Have Not to try to hash it out and Amanda tells McCrae he is the dictator in their showmance which makes my jaw drop as much as McCrae’s did. He tries to explain to her that asking GinaMarie to use the veto when Aaryn is the most likely next nomination is like asking him to use the veto and put Amanda in trouble. This is a smart and valid point but Amanda is mad that he is thinking of anyone but her.
Maybe it is just me but making Aaryn dress like a redneck just seems like they are playing into her stereotype. The PoV consists of players throwing frogs to score points. Lowest point is out and gets to choise a prize. The next eliminated player can trade their prize with you.
After the first round GinaMarie is out since she is the only one not to hit a score. She picks the veto but knows she won’t be keeping it. Jessie hits 4 in the second round but beats Amanda’s 1. She gets a cone of shame prize which means she has to wear it for 48 hours. She trades it to GinaMarie who asks if 48 hours is 2 days.
We then get an argument between Candice and Amanda. Candice told Judd that Amanda thinks he is the MVP and Amanda takes offence to it. It gets really awkward which Amanda making some comments that she is a racist now as well or something like that. Candice says she will just follow every stereotype people put on her. They keep snapping at each other and it is getting really awkward with everyone.
Candice goes down next and gets Bahama vacation which she trades with Amanda for the Veto. Spencer is the next to go down and picks 48 hours of being sprayed down with tan spray. He trades it with Amanda for her vacation. In the last round Jessie goes big for the 50 points but it bounces out and Judd gets the easy win.
While Amanda and Candice are still arguing Judd tells Jessie to take the PoV. Jessie trades $5000 with Candice for the Veto and Judd ends it by taking the $5000 and giving Amanda a Clownietard that she will need to wear for the week. This gives Jessie the PoV for herself which seems to piss off Amanda since the world revolves around her.
Back in the Have Not room McCrae asks Amanda why she had to keep the argument going. Amanda says that Candice is so stupid and he calls her stupid and tells her that she could go home. He tells her she was being a bully but she doesn’t see what she is doing wrong. He tells her she is being an ass out there and she tells him to go away and leave her alone. Apparently she is not use to people being honest with her and telling her how it is.
Aaryn is now worried about Elissa because they are talking in the kitchen and being friendly. Apparently being friendly means Elissa has to be trying to save Candice. We are now treated to Candice dressed as Clownie. She actually takes it well so props for her.
Amanda has to be sprayed down everytime music plays. She is really orange. This is a great time to let you all know that Orange is the New Black is an amazing show so check it out on Netflix.
GinaMarie gets her cone of shame. She seems to be liking it. When I make my dog wear those things he hates it.
Helen knows Jessie will use it on herself so goes to GinaMarie to make sure that her alliances are safe. GinaMarie says that she is thinking of putting up Elissa up and Helen goes to work trying to keep Elissa save.
Jessie smartly uses the PoV on herself and Helen’s talk seems to have worked since Spencer is the replacement nominee.
Spencer things if is safe since Candice rubs people the wrong way and Amanda whose game is melting away. Amanda thinks Spencer is the bigger target and no one likes Candice so she is obviously safe. Apparently nothing that McCrae tried to tell her sunk in. For her part Candice knows it is an uphill battle but will fight hard to send Amanda home.
That’s it for tonight but Cory will be here tomorrow night to Live Blog the season’s first Double Eviction episode. A whole week’s worth of action in one night. He’ll also be posting this week’s Power Rankings and I will be back Sunday for that night’s episode.