Big Brother 15 Episode 11 Recap and Discussion *Updated*

Hello folks. I hope everyone had a good weekend as we are about to start the reign of Judd. Tonight we will see who is able to get through to him as he nominates two people for eviction.

We will also see the Have Not competition and I am sure plenty of what passes as Strategy talks to this crop of house guests.

I’ll be back later with my recap and as always feel free to discuss the episode below.


After a quick recap we open up with the footage of Jeremy being sent packing. Kaitlin is upset since he took her spot as a nominee while Helen is ecstatic on the way it all played out. Kaitlin takes the time to separate herself so that she doesn’t take it out on anyone.

After Judd pulls off the HoH win Jessie feels safe for the first time in the house while GinaMarie thinks that she can work Judd to vote out the other side. Like that would happen.

In one of the bedrooms Amanda and McCrae discuss the twist and what they can do to convince Judd to make Judd work for them.  This annoys Judd since he wants to make his own decisions. In another bedroom Howard and Candice are talking. Howard knows his lies caught up with him and he could have been in a lot of trouble but this week Judd is his boy and he has to stay close with him.

It’s time for Judd to unveil his HoH room. The house guests start awwing at his high school picture and he gets a sweet letter from his mom celebrating how not many big opportunities happen in their area and they are cheering him to the end.  It’s all sweet and disgusting.

Judd does some strategy talk with Spencer, Howard, and Elissa. Judd is thinking GinaMarie while Elissa and Howard push Aaryn and Kaitlin. Elissa promises to let Judd know if she gets the MVP. Spencer says that he doesn’t care who goes up as long as Howard and himself stay safe and Howard obviously agrees with this.

When we come back GinaMarie has trouble saying Auburn and we are treated to her massacring the English language.  Apparently pickles discuss her. She starts making up words and it’s actually kind of funny.

And now there is a new showmance in the house with Howard and Candice. They start having a fantasy date to some soft romantic mood music but this leads to animal talk and something about penguins. Candice asks him for a pebble and it makes me want to puke.

In the Have Not room Aaryn is trying to talk game with Judd. Judd is not sure he wants to put Aaryn up since he may not benefit his game. Judd says that he is thinking of nominating GinaMarie and Kaitlin as a pawn. Aaryn tosses out Howard as a possibility and Judd says Howard would need to be back doored but doesn’t seem committed to the idea.

In the bedroom Aaryn, GinaMarie, and Kaitlin are talking and she is convinced that Judd won’t nominate Spencer or Howard since they are friends. She thinks the three of them will be nominated and this somehow leads to an argument between GinaMarie and Aaryn and somehow Nick is brought up even though no one mentioned him except GinaMarie and he is not in the house.

It’s time for the Have Not competition. Teams are made up of Howard, McCrae, Elissa, and Amanda on the Green team, Helen, Aaryn, GinaMarie, and Kaitlin as the Blues, and Jessie, Candice, Spencer, and Andy on the Orange team. Teams must eat as much Froyo as possible and the team that weighs the most at the end will win.

GinaMarie is crazy eating the Froyo. This while Howard has trouble eating Anchovy Habanero Twist which makes me sick just thinking about it. To tell you the truth I think I would have been sure to chug the water to gain some water weight. Next round Helen and McCrae also have trouble with the same Anchovy Habanero Twist. Amanda pretty much refuses to eat it and just drinks water.

Aaryn continues the trend of having trouble with the Anchovy Habanero Twist. McCrae has trouble keeping it down and he may have thrown up but I’m not entirely sure since the Orange team is being weighed. They weigh in after with a gain of 11lbs. Blue gains 13.2 lbs. This makes Blue the haves for the week. Green comes in with 12.9lbs making Orange team as the Have Nots for the week. This makes Andy’s third week as a Have Not.

But in the house Amanda says that Judd needs to listen to her or he will be making a mistake. Her Diary Rooms annoy me. Amanda pushes for Howard, Spencer, and Candice. She says that sometimes you need to make a big move which Judd knows but he also knows that it is easy for Amanda to get others to do her damage.

Judd says that they wouldn’t put him up but Amanda tries to imply that they would put him up. She tries to hide her desire to have Howard up in the fact that he is a liar but really she just knows he will target McCrae and herself so it is totally a selfish desire. Of course she tries to play it off as being supportive and worried for Judd.

Back to some comedy with Elissa teaching Howard a Yoga routine. Howard is sweaty and breathing heavy while Elissa is walking like it is a walk in the park for her.

Up in the HoH bedroom Judd is worried about the twist but Elissa tried to come him down. Judd says that he is thinking of nominating Kaitlin and GinaMarie but Elissa suggests Aaryn. Judd is thinking that Aaryn is not a threat but Elissa is putting on the hard sell.

Amanda is talking with McCrae and Andy and saying that they need to get Judd to nominate Howard since apparently everyone wants Howard out. Judd comes in and puts on the hard sell. Andy correctly sees that Amanda is playing her hand too hard. This will eventually be her downfall because she pushes people too hard to get what she wants even if it doesn’t help the other person’s game.

Its nomination time and Aaryn says that if someone who is not a bigger threat then she will go home. Howard feels safe but that also makes him feel nervous while Amanda again says that Howard needs to go. If she wants things done her way so bad she needs to start actually winning something of importance.

Judd pulls out Spencer’s key first followed by Jessie, Elissa, Candice, McCrae, Andy, Helen, Howard, GinaMarie, and lastly Amanda. I would have loved if Amanda was nominated.

Judd says that he nominated Kaitlin because she doesn’t think she will go home while he nominated Aaryn because she is a Texas Tornado going through the house. Aaryn is upset that Judd put a bigger target on her back while Kaitlin is sick of being pulled down by Aaryn and GinaMarie. Amanda is ok with the nominations but now has her eyes set on backdooring Howard. Again she needs to start actually winning something or stop pushing her agenda so hard.

Come back on Wednesday when Cory recaps a big episode were we will see who America nominated as the third nominee and we see who will win the PoV. Cory will also be Live Blogging Thursday and then I will be back next weekend with the week’s Power Rankings.